Archivo de la categoría: Another language: ENGLISH

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Affirmations: To be successful

We are sure and certain of the outcome.

Publicado en Another language: ENGLISH | Deja un comentario

The Creed of the optimist in different lenguages

El Credo del Optimista Ser tan fuerte que nada pueda Perturbar la paz de tu mente. Hablar de salud, felicidad y prosperidad Con cada persona con la que te encuentres. Hacer sentir a todos los amigos Que hay algo valioso … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Another language: ENGLISH, Cambiando las creencias | Deja un comentario

How to heal the soul with paintings

BLOSSONING THE SOUL. Ilse from Holland. Year 2007 Dear Ilse This is how I see your soul. She is waiting for the love of outside. And it is not necessary because you have a fountain of love inside… You ought … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Another language: ENGLISH | 1 comentario

Honoring my dead husband Twan Callaars

THE WISDOM THINKINGS OF TWAN CALLAARS He has been ill during seven years of leucemia. He died on march of 2007. And this was one of the days that he wants to share with me all his knollege… I was … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Acerca de mí, Another language: ENGLISH | Etiquetado | Deja un comentario

The bright side

Dear friend always the briht side, positive positive alwyas positive. If you could unlock your happiness is because you take conscience of yourself and also because you want to realise yourself like a spiritual human being with a purpose on … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Another language: ENGLISH | Deja un comentario

How to atract a soulmate

TO CREATE A SOULMATE This is a technic created from Rebirthing. Origianl founder is Leonard Orr. First thing is buy a nice notebook. One who really you likes, with butterflies, or flowers or hearts, whatever you likes. And then you … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Another language: ENGLISH, Renacimiento | 1 comentario