Recomiendo este trabajo es fantástico y maravilloso Las mariposas vuelan libres… no se lo pierdan. Es el resumen de un hombre que ha estudiado a todos los físicos cuánticos del planeta y ha hecho un resumen. De verdad el va dando cursos gratis por donde se lo pidan, a cambio él sólo pide alojamiento y comida. Estuvo en Tenerife y tuve la suerte de asistir a un curso de él y es extraordinario.
Lloras y llegas a una verdad profunda a través de la misma ciencia. Todo un descubrimiento..
Su web con un acercamiento innovador y radical a la evolución espiritual la pueden encontrar en
Su email para contactar con él para cualquier duda que tengan sobre su trabajo es
Debajo están sus propias palabras en inglés:
Gracias por tu gran labor desde el corazón.
Dear Friends and Family,
I’m very excited to announce that (after two years of work) we have officially released the Spanish edition of my book, Las Mariposas vuelan libres: Un acercamiento innovador y radical a la evolución espiritual, and a new website for the Spanish edition at
You probably don’t understand what you’re looking at (I don’t either!), but you can at least see the book as it appears in Spanish at
The original English version has had over 50,000 downloads in the past 3 years, and I have received some amazing emails and comments from all over the world. (I’m astounded that my 5-part video series has had over 600,000 views on YouTube in the past year!)
But now I can reach another 400 million people around the world for whom Spanish is their main or only language.
I am very grateful to Pedro Ruiz de Luna of Alicante, Spain who did all the translating, and to Toni Garcia Mahón for her assistance in the final editing.
This process started two years ago when I first went to Ibiza, and I am thrilled that it was Pedro who finally brought it to fruition!
Love, Stephen
This is the fantastic and extraordinary work that he taught us in San Isidro, Tenerife and make the translation into Spanish.
In English
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
My name is
Stephen Davis
• Who am I?
• What are my qualifications?
• Niels Bohr, Ph.D., atomic physicist
• David Bohm, Ph.D., quantum physicist
• Karl Pribram, Ph.D., neurophysiologist
• Benjamin Libet, Ph.D., neuroscientist
• Amit Goswami, Ph.D., theoretical nuclear physicist
• Dr. Amit Goswami
• Professor Emeritus in theoretical physics at the University of Oregon
• Senior Scholar in Residence at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
• Author of 8 books on Quantum Physics, including “The Self-Aware Universe” and “Science and Spirituality: A Quantum Integration.”
“This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it is so radical, it’s so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is already ‘out there,’ independent of my experience. It is not. Quantum physics has been so clear about it…”
• David Albert, Ph.D., Director of Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University
• John Hagelin, Ph.D., Physics Professor, Maharishi University
• Stuart Hameroff, M.D., Associate Director of the Center for Consciousness, University of Arizona
• Miceal Ledwith, Ph.D., Professor of Systematic Theology, Maynooth College, Ireland
• Andrew Newberg, Ph.D., Director, Center for Spirituality and the Neurosciences, University of Pennsylvania
• Dean Radin, Ph.D., Professor, Saybrook Graduate School
• Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Physics, Yale University
• Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., author of “Taking the Quantum Leap” and “Parallel Universes”
• William Tiller, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
• Nick Herbert, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics, Monmouth College
• Richard Feynman, who held the Richard Chace Tolman professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.
• “What The Bleep Do We Know!”
You can see that “outer space” and “inner space” look very much alike – lots of “empty space.”
This video was made in 1977. As technology improved, scientists kept going deeper and deeper, and they found smaller and smaller “particles” and more and more “empty space.”
“Within all the atoms and molecules – all the space within them – the particles take up an insignificant amount of the volume of an atom.”
But it’s the particles that supposedly make up “matter,” so science focuses on them in their experiments.
• Quantum Physics
As the research continued, scientists discovered that the very small particles they were finding did not behave as they were supposed to. Basically, Newtonian Physics only worked well on large objects – objects we can see with our naked eyes – but not at a sub-atomic level.
• The Double Slit Experiment
This was the beginning of Quantum Physics, and the most famous experiment that got everyone opening their minds to new possibilities about the universe and how it works is called the Double Slit Experiment. Here is a cartoon made for children that explains what happened in that experiment.
• Conclusion
Electrons, which are the building blocks of what we call “reality,” are not solid particles at all, but exist as waves of possibilities. In this wave form, they are called “quanta,” which is why the study of how they behave is called “quantum physics.”
• Collapsing the Wave Function
When quanta [electrons] are viewed by an observer, these waves of possibilities “pop” and assume a specific location in space and time, which is what we see as “reality.” This is called “collapsing the wave function.”
This means that an electron – the core element of what we call our solid “physical reality” – is only a solid particle, is only matter when someone is looking at it. Otherwise, it’s a wave, and not solid at all.
Richard Feynman, a famous quantum physicist, once said that if you really understand the Double Slit experiment, you can understand all of quantum physics, and how the entire universe works as well.
“There is compelling evidence that the only time quanta [electrons] ever manifest as particles is when we are looking at them. When an electron isn’t being looked at, it is always a wave.”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 34
To put it the other way around, the natural state of an electron is as a wave. It only pops out of its wave state to form a particle in a specific location in space and time when it is being observed.
But it turns out that it’s not just the electrons that pop in and out of existence.
Listen again to Dr. Jeffrey Satinover….
“Even the nucleus [of an atom], which we think of as so dense, pops in and out of existence just as readily as the electrons do.”
So it is not only the electrons that exist as waves and then pop into a specific location in space and time when they are observed, but also the nucleus; and the most recent research has even found that whole atoms and molecules do the same thing.
Physicist Nick Herbert says this means that the world behind our back -where we are not looking and cannot observe – is always “a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup.” But whenever we turn around and try to see the soup, our glance instantly freezes it and turns it back into “reality.”
Herbert believes this makes us all a little like Midas, the legendary king who never knew the feel of silk or the caress of a human hand because everything he touched turned to gold. Likewise, we can never really know the true nature of the quantum universe because every time we try to observe it, it turns into matter.
Video game
So… if matter is not solid, and reality is not “real,” what IS this physical universe that we experience and think of as so “solid” – that looks and feels so real to us?
Two models have been developed to answer that question…
• The “Field”
• The “Holographic Universe”
• The Field
When we speak of an electron existing as a “wave,” it isn’t like an ocean wave, or a radio wave. It is more like a wave of possible locations where the electron could end up as a particle when it is observed – a wave of possibilities.
This “wave of possibilities” in which the quantum world exists has been called many names over the years, such as…
• the “quantum wave function”
• the “implicate order”
• the “Planck Scale”
• the “zero point field”
• the “superstring field”
• the “unified field”
Mainly it is just called “the Field.” It is a field of unlimited possibilities out of which everything is created.
Lynne McTaggart, author of “The Field,” defines it as “a field of all possibility.” (page xxi)
In other words, everything you can think of, and everything you can’t think of, and everything no one can think of, already exists in wave form in the Field.
So…. The “Field” is a “place” outside of space and time where everything (all possibilities) already exists, but only in “wave” form. This field does not contain particles; it is not matter; it is not part of the physical universe. Instead it is what the entire universe is made from – from these waves of possibilities.
“We can’t explain what we do see as matter…unless we picture that these matter particles somehow come out from or emerge from these thought-wave patterns.”
The problem is that no one can prove that the Field exists. You can’t see it; you can’t photograph it; you can’t measure it; you can’t hold it in your hand. But when quantum physicists assume the Field is there, they can make incredibly accurate mathematical predictions about the physical universe and how it behaves, which they can not do without taking the Field into account.
Think of it like electricity. You can’t see electricity itself; you can only see what electricity produces. One American comedian joked that he wouldn’t pay his electric bill until the company showed him the electricity he was paying for.
But we can see the light electricity makes, and the power, and the other effects we count on every day and now take so much for granted; and when we see those effects, we know that electricity must exist.
The same thing is true for the Field. Even though we can’t prove it exists, nothing makes sense without it in light of the results of the most recent scientific experiments.
Radio example
But how did this “Field” come into existence? Who made it? Where did it come from? Why is it there?
Science has no answer for these questions. They only know that The Field must exist.
So I will not talk now about how The Field was created, or who might have created it, or how it already contains all possibilities, because I want to stick only to the science right now in this presentation. We will have to leave that philosophical discussion for later in the workshop.
The next question we CAN ask is:
How is “reality” created from the Field?
Most quantum physicists agree that it is a very similar process to the creation of a hologram. In other words, the Universe we see is a Holographic Universe.
So, to understand the “Holographic Universe,” we have to understand what a hologram is and how it is created.
The simple definition is that a hologram is “a virtual image, an image that appears to be where it is not…” (Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, page 25)
In other words, a hologram is an image that is not real.
The technical definition is that a hologram is “a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference produced by a split coherent beam of radiation (as a laser).” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
So let’s look at how a hologram is made….
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
You might think that it would be easy to tell the difference between a hologram and “reality”…
“Creating the illusion that things are located where they are NOT is the quintessential feature of a hologram….If you look at a hologram, it seems to have extension in space, but if you pass your hand through it, you will find there is nothing there….
“…Despite what your senses tell you, no instrument will pick up any energy or substance where the hologram appears to be hovering. This is because a hologram is a virtual image, an image that appears to be where it is not…”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 25
University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes… “that despite its apparent solidity, the universe is at heart a phantasm – a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.”
– Michael Talbot,
in an essay entitled
“The Holographic Universe”
• The Holographic Universe
Why do most quantum physicists agree that we live in a holographic universe?
Quantum Physics is actually a science of mathematics, and it is the most accurate mathematical science ever discovered to explain what we see in our “reality.”
…and the mathematics used to create a hologram is the same mathematics used in Quantum Physics to “describe nature” and explain the behavior we see in our “reality.”
This is why quantum physicists say that the universe seems to be more like a hologram than solid reality.
More and more scientists and researchers in addition to quantum physicists are now agreeing….
For example….
“An astonishing theory called the holographic principle holds that the universe is like a hologram…. The physics of black holes — immensely dense concentrations of mass —provides a hint that the principle might be true.”
– Dr. Jacob D. Bekenstein
Professor of Theoretical Physics,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Scientific American (August 2003)
So let’s take a look at a couple examples of holograms that might help make this a lot clearer….
The first is from the movie, The 13th Floor…
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
“There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it – from snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars and spinning electrons – are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own that it is literally beyond both space and time.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 1
• Conclusion to Part 1
Quantum physics is very clear:
What we call “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real to us inside it.
“This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it is so radical, it’s so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is
If all of this is true, and quantum physics says it is, the next logical question is:
Exactly how is this holographic universe created for us to experience as physical “reality”?
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
• Conclusion to Part 1
Quantum physics is very clear:
What we call “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real to us inside it.
In the words of Albert Einstein,
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
But this idea that “reality” is an illusion is not a new concept.
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism all talk about Maya, or life as an illusion.
“The real sky is knowing that samsara [the physical world] … merely an illusory display.”
– Mipham Rinpoche, Quintessential Instructions of Mind, p. 117
The Kabala says that “the first aspect of God is all that there really exists; all else is an illusion.”
A Course in Miracles puts it this way…
“In any state apart from Heaven [in the physical world] life is illusion…. Outside of Heaven, only the conflict of illusion stands; senseless, impossible and beyond all reason…. Illusions are but forms. Their content is never true.”
– T-23.11.18:8-19:9
What quantum physics has done is…
1. Scientifically confirmed what many other people have said about “reality” being an illusion, and…
2. Discovered that “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real.
You could actually call this physical reality we live in a “holographic 3D total immersion movie”….
Here’s Woody Allen’s version of a “total immersion movie”….
Which brings us to the question…
Exactly how is this holographic universe created for us to experience as physical “reality”?
Just in the last couple of years we have discovered the answer to that question through some very amazing brain research….
Dr. Karl Pribram has had a long and illustrious career. Born in Austria in 1919, Pribram is both a neurosurgeon and a neurophysiologist who spent many years trying to find out where memories are stored in the brain.
The problem was that in the 1920’s a brain scientist by the name of Karl Lashley had found “no matter what portion of a rat’s brain he removed, he was unable to eradicate its memory of how to perform complex tasks it had learned prior to surgery.” So Pribram set out to solve the mystery of memory storage that seemed independent of brain cells (neurons).
But it wasn’t until Pribram met David Bohm, one of the pioneers in quantum physics, that he found his answer. “Bohm helped establish the foundation for Pribram’s theory that the brain operates in a manner similar to a hologram, in accordance with quantum mathematical principles and the characteristics of wave patterns.” (Talbot)
Technically, “Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a hologram.” (Talbot)
“Just as a hologram functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to convert an apparently meaningless blur of frequencies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain also comprises a lens and uses holographic principles to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives through the senses into the inner world of our perceptions.” (Talbot)
In short, Pribram believes “our brains mathematically construct ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain.”
~ Michael Talbot,
The Holographic Universe
Let’s translate all of this into simple English. According to Karl Pribram and the results of many scientific experiments, the human brain itself is a hologram. Its function is to receive holographic wave frequencies from “a frequency domain” (The Field) and translate them into the “particular” physical universe we see “out there.”
Think about a radio or TV set, which converts wave frequencies we cannot see into sounds we can hear and images we can see. Many scientific experiments have now proven that, in the same way, the human brain receives wave frequencies “downloaded” to it from the Field, and then converts those wave frequencies into physical “reality.”
Libet was flabbergasted. He tried to find an explanation, as did many other scientists; and the prevailing theory became that time can travel backwards. It’s called the “time reversal theory,” or “subjective backward referral,” or “antedating.”
However, after trying to prove this and failing, Libet himself later said “there appeared to be no neural mechanism that could be viewed as directly mediating or accounting for the subjective sensory referrals backward in time.” In other words, there is no evidence in the brain for time reversal as the explanation for this phenomenon.
The only conclusion that makes any sense is that the brain knows what picture is coming before the person is aware of it – indeed, before the computer has even chosen which picture to display – and the body is responding accordingly!
“There have been some studies that have shown that when people are beginning to move a hand, or beginning to say something, that there’s actually activity in the brain – or certain nerve cells of the brain – even before they become consciously aware of what they were trying to do.”
“What our experiments reveal is that there is… a deterministic mechanism unfolding that leads up to your decision at a later point in time.”
Remember what Karl Pribram said, that “our brains mathematically construct ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain.”
So if we put these brain experiments together with Pribram, and what we know from quantum physics, the conclusion is inescapable…
…Your brain first receives a hologram in wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, translates those waves into particles to create physical “reality,” and then sends that “reality” “out there” for you to experience.
* Libet’s experiments
* Dean Radin’s experiments
* The BBC experiment
Remember how a hologram is made?
• Collapsing the Wave Function
When quanta [electrons] are viewed by an observer, these waves of possibilities “pop” and assume a specific location in space and time, which is what we see as “reality.” This is called “collapsing the wave function.”
To put it the other way around, the natural state of an electron is as a wave. It only pops out of its wave state to form a particle in a specific location in space and time when it is being observed.
This new brain research proves that the human brain is the “observer” that “collapses the wave function”, since quantum physics says it is the “observer” that changes an electron from a wave into a particle.
Put more simply, it’s the brain that takes those wavy 3-D pictures
and translates them into something we can see and understand.
It might be easier to understand this by using an example we are all familiar with….
The personal computer
Computers use what is called “binary code,” which is made up of nothing but zero’s and one’s. If you look at the zero’s and one’s themselves, they look random and chaotic, like the 3-D pictures.
Inside every computer is a CPU — a Central Processing Unit — that acts as the “brain” of the computer. This CPU receives the binary code in sequences of zero’s and one’s, translates that binary code, and projects the results onto a computer screen where we can see it in a form that makes sense to us.
A computer also has its own sensory perceptions, which include things like a mouse, a touch screen, a microphone, a video camera, etc. When we interact with the computer through one of its senses — like clicking the mouse — that message gets sent back to the CPU for further processing.
Therefore, in the same way that a computer’s CPU receives its binary code, translates it, projects the results onto a screen, and then processes the inputs that come back through the mouse and other sensory perceptions…
…our human brain receives wave frequencies from the Field, translates them into particles by collapsing the wave function, projects the results “out there,” and then processes the inputs that come back through our own sensory perceptions.
This is a very important point….
Our senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, etc. – are not really sensing some independent “reality” “out there,” but in fact are first projecting that reality so that it appears to be “out there.”
Our senses are not just a one-way street of incoming perception, but a two-way street of projection and then perception.
Apparently, once our brain converts the wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, it projects them “out there” and makes it appear that we are surrounded by a “total immersion movie.” Then, and only then, our senses “read” what has been projected “out there” and bring that information back to the brain.
We have been conditioned since birth to believe that what we see “out there” is “real” – an independent, objective reality that has a life of its own….
… and our role is limited to observing it and perceiving it and interacting with it.
NOT SO, according to the latest scientific research.
We are projecting our reality first, and then perceiving it coming back to us.
There’s an old new-age saying: “You create your own reality.”
While this is technically NOT true, what IS true is:
You are projecting your own unique holographic 3D experience that has been downloaded from the Field to your brain.
• Conclusion to Part 2
You are projecting your own unique holographic 3D experience that has been downloaded from the Field to your brain.
It’s as if you were sitting in the middle of a movie theater with a white screen 360 degrees all around you, but the movie that was being projected onto that screen was coming from inside your own brain. In other words, your brain is the movie projector, and the movie you’re watching is a hologram, and is not real.
“If the holographic brain model is taken to its logical conclusions, it opens the door on the possibility that objective reality – the world of coffee cups, mountain vistas, elm trees, and table lamps – might not even exist….
“Is it possible that what is ‘out there’ is really a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a ‘frequency domain’ that is transformed into the world as we know it only after it enters our brain?”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 31
David Bohm, one of the great quantum physicists, said that “the tangible reality of our everyday lives is really a kind of illusion, like a holographic image. Underlying it is a deeper order of existence, a vast and more primary level of reality that gives birth to all the objects and appearances of our physical world in much the same way that a piece of holographic film gives birth to a hologram.”
“If the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality, and what is ‘out there’ is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only processes some of the frequencies out of this blur, what becomes of objective reality?…Put quite simply, it ceases to exist.…
“Although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this is an illusion…. We are really ‘receivers’ floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency.”
Michael Talbot
The Universe as a Hologram
In other words, there is no ‘out there’ out there.
There is no independent, objective reality.
All there is is a holographic 3D total immersion movie which we are projecting so that it appears to be “out there.”
• Review and Summary
Let’s put all this together in a simple summary…
1. Somehow (and science does not know how), a Field of infinite possibilities exists in the form of wave frequencies.
• Review and Summary
2. Someone or something chooses some of those wave frequencies to create a holographic universe for a human being to experience and downloads that experience to a human brain.
• Review and Summary
3. The brain then translates those wave frequencies downloaded from the Field into “particles” in a holographic 3D total immersion movie and projects that movie “out there” for us to perceive.
• Review and Summary
4. The body, the brain, all physical matter, and everything this human being experiences and considers to be “real” are part of this hologram. However, “reality” is not “real,” not solid, not “out there,” even though it looks and feels that way. It is only a hologram, and by definition, a hologram is not ‘real.’
• Review and Summary
5. The human being who “sees” this holographic universe thinks that it is “real” and “solid,” when in fact it is not – it is just a unique hologram created for that human being.
In short, we are living in a holographic universe. We only think this universe is real because we are inside the hologram, and part of the hologram itself.
• Review and Summary
6. But the human being who thinks they are “seeing reality” assigns power to that reality and gives power to the persons, places, and things they see “out there;” so remember…
Exercise – practice seeing the world “out there” as a hologram that you are projecting, rather than as an independent, objective reality that you are merely perceiving and interacting with.
If all of this is true, and the latest scientific research says it is, the question then arises:
Who or what is choosing certain wave frequencies from the Field and downloading them to a human brain to be converted into particles to become the reality we see and experience?
Who or what is the “laser” that chooses the holographic 3D total immersion movie to download to the brain for us to experience as our “reality”?
Butterflies Are Free To Fly:
A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
Here’s what we learned in Part One….
1. Matter is not solid. It is mostly empty space.
Remember Dr. William Tiller saying…
“Within all the atoms and molecules – all the space within them – the particles take up an insignificant amount of the volume of an atom.”
2. We also learned through the Double Slit Experiment that these “particles” that make up matter are not particles all the time. They are “waves” until they are observed, and then they “pop” into being a particle in a specific location. In fact, these “particles” are actually “waves” most of the time.
3. We learned that there is a Field that exists as waves of possibilities that contains an infinite number of frequencies to create the physical universe that we see. This is where all “particles” live as waves until they are observed and “pop” into a specific physical location.
4. We also learned how a hologram is made…
What we didn’t talk about in Part 1 was that a single piece of holographic film can store a very large number of objects on it…
Rewritable Atomic Holographic Storage Using Reprogrammable ” Atomic / Photonic / Quantum Switch’s ” will dramatically improve applications like 6,840 raw uncompressed high quality Video/TV hours, or 2,100,000 chest x-rays, or nearly 10,000,000 high-resolution images, or 30,000 four-drawer filing cabinets of documents, or , or 20,000 DVD’S Worm’s , or 4,000 BLU-Ray Worm disk’s, or 100 – 100 gigabyte disk drives or 50 Inphase Holographic disks on ONE 10 Terabyte 3.5 in. removable disc.
So, a single piece of holographic film can store a very large number of objects on it…
…and that to make one certain object pop out as a hologram, the laser in Step 2 has to choose those precise wave frequencies for the apple by being shot at a specific angle at the film.
5. We learned that the physical universe that we see is actually not solid matter at all, but more like a hologram.
In short, quantum physics says that the physical universe that we perceive as “reality” is created by collapsing the wave function from unlimited possibilities in the Field into a hologram.
BUT… the holographic reality that we see looks very real to us, even though it isn’t real at all….
• Conclusion to Part 1
Quantum physics is very clear:
What we call “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real to us inside it.
“Creating the illusion that things are located where they are NOT is the quintessential feature of a hologram…. This is because a hologram is a virtual image, an image that appears to be where it is not…”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 25
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
Remember the words of Albert Einstein…
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
Then in Part 2 of this presentation, we looked at several of the most interesting brain experiments that have been performed over the last few decades, the most recent being…
“What our experiments reveal is that there is… a deterministic mechanism unfolding that leads up to your decision at a later point in time.”
Remember what Karl Pribram said, that “our brains mathematically construct ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain.”
So when we put these brain experiments together with Pribram, and what we know from quantum physics, the conclusion was inescapable…
…Your brain first receives a hologram in wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, translates those waves into particles to create physical “reality,” and then sends that “reality” “out there” for you to experience.
So instead of this….
We get this…
Apparently, once our brain converts the wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, it projects them “out there” and makes it appear that we are surrounded by a “total immersion movie.” Then, and only then, our senses “read” what has been projected “out there” and bring that information back to the brain.
We have been conditioned since birth to believe that what we see “out there” is “real” – an independent, objective reality that has a life of its own….
… and our role is limited to observing and perceiving it.
NOT SO, according to quantum physics and the latest scientific research.
We are projecting our reality first, and then perceiving it coming back to us.
And all this means that….
“This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it is so radical, it’s so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is
Before we go on, are there questions or comments about anything in Parts 1 and 2?
We ended Part 2 by asking the question….
If all of this is true, and the latest scientific research says it is, then: Who or what chooses certain wave frequencies from the Field and downloads them to a human brain to be converted into particles to become the reality we see and experience?
In other words, who or what is the “laser” that chooses the holographic reality to download for us to experience as the physical universe?
What do you think?
The best answer quantum physicists have come up with so far is…
Here’s how Dr. Amit Goswami puts it…
“Quantum Physics enables us to see directly that we can make sense of the world only if we base the world on consciousness.”
“Consciousness” is the thing that chooses certain wave frequencies from the Field and downloads them to a human brain to create its holographic experience.
So we are going to call this the “consciousness model.”
Not all quantum physicists agree with this, because you can’t study “consciousness” scientifically; so they have proposed many other theories. But we are going to follow the vast majority who do use “consciousness” as the best answer.
For example….
“Quantum Physics says that consciousness is playing a role in the universe. It says that there is a secret underground that seems to be effecting the reality we live in…”
~ Fred Alan Wolf
“Quantum mechanics says that there is a spiritual world that makes this choice, that there is another world that is intangible that effects and influences the physical world.”
~ Dr. Jeffrey Satinover
“…whether the material world can actually be derived from a consciousness reality, or whether consciousness itself could even be the fundamental stuff of the universe…”
~ Dr. Andrew Newberg
So, the simplest and best answer to the question, “Who or what collapses the quantum wave function in the Field into a hologram to become the reality we see and experience?” is “consciousness.”
“Consciousness” creates the holograms we experience from “the Field.”
So what goes in place of the laser gun?
The answer – according to this model – is “consciousness.”
So, are we all agreed?
Consciousness is what chooses the precise wave frequencies in The Field and downloads them to a human brain, which then converts them into space/time particles and out pops our “reality.”
But what exactly is “consciousness” in this context?
There are different definitions and different uses of the word “consciousness,” and this is where we start having real problems with this model.
For example, take the word “power”…
The noun, “power,” has 16 different definitions in the American Heritage Dictionary alone…
But it’s fairly easy to determine what definition of “power” is being used based on the context.
Unfortunately, that’s not true with the word “consciousness,” especially in this context.
Let’s look at some of the definitions of “consciousness”….
The “consciousness” you and I have right now is “self-consciousness…”
The Wikipedia says…
Consciousness is a term that has been used to refer to a variety of aspects of the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts. It has been defined, at one time or another, as: subjective experience; awareness; the ability to experience feelings; wakefulness; having a sense of selfhood; or as the executive control system of the mind.
We’re calling this “thing” on the other side of the Field “consciousness” because it is aware and it is making choices and decisions – things we normally associate with “consciousness.”
But we also call other things on THIS side of the Field “consciousness” which are not at all like what’s on the other side of the Field and are NOT making choices and decisions.
So I think it’s clear no one really knows exactly what this consciousness is – especially in this context – or how to properly define it. The truth is we only know that something must exist on the other side of the Field that is choosing our experiences and downloading them to our brains.
Radio example
We are, in fact, incapable of knowing, and always will be incapable of knowing, simply because we are on the other side of The Field from this consciousness; and our brains – at least according to Karl Pribram – are designed as holographic receivers and translators, and have no capacity or ability to access or process any information on the other side of The Field.
Anything we might say about what goes on on the other side of the Field is purely speculation.
So this is where the science stops – where we move from quantum physics into metaphysics….
What we are going to do is develop a “model” based on this science that can give us a much better idea of how this universe works. In other words, we can make our best guess about what’s on the other side of the Field that might conform to the scientific principles we’ve just learned about.
I want to stress that “models” are NOT belief systems.
A model takes the evidence already at hand – in our case, the results of the scientific experiments in quantum physics and brain research – and develops a theory or representation of how that evidence might be applied if taken to the next level.
A model is designed to be tested and challenged to see how well it performs.
On the other hand, a “belief system” is often formed in contradiction to the evidence at hand, and cannot withstand testing and challenging. In fact, a belief system tries to avoid being tested or challenged at all costs.
And that’s what I want to do after lunch – to create a model of how this holographic universe works. But we have to start by coming up with a new name and a working definition of this “consciousness” on the other side of the Field….
Let’s briefly review what we know from the science to be true to this point.
So now, your guess is as good as mine – as long as “your guess” conforms to all the science we have learned thus far.
How do YOU want to define this thing called “consciousness” on the other side of the Field?
And the $64,000 question is:
Are YOU this “consciousness?” Are YOU the one creating your reality, as the old new-age saying would have us believe?
I think we can agree on what this “consciousness” is NOT….
It is not the body, the brain, the mind, the intellect, or anything else in the holographic universe. Those things belong to the “human being” – the “self-consciousness” that is the representative of this Consciousness in the physical reality we call Earth.
All the brain research proves that we are NOT conscious, we are NOT aware of the experience we are about to have until AFTER the brain and the body know what experience we are about to have….
…and in the case of the BBC experiment, someone watching our brain activity can know what experience we are about to have as much as 6 seconds BEFORE our own consciousness knows.
It is also NOT the “consciousness” you and I have right now – not the “self-consciousness” that is “conscious of one’s own acts or states as belonging to or originating in oneself,” as the dictionary puts it.
Rene Descartes said “I think, therefore I am.” However, in quantum physics, we are finding that the opposite of everything is also true: “I am, therefore I think.”
The consciousness we’re now talking about is the “I am;” you and I and our self-consciousness are the “I think.”
Fred Alan Wolf talked about this “consciousness” as “a secret underground that seems to be effecting the reality we live in…”
Dr. Jeffrey Satinover said that “there is a spiritual world that makes this choice, that there is another world that is intangible that effects and influences the physical world.”
Dr. Andrew Newberg wondered “whether consciousness itself could even be the fundamental stuff of the universe…”
V.S. Ramachandran is Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition and Professor with the Psychology Department and Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego, and Adjunct Professor of Biology at the Salk Institute. Rama’s early work was on visual perception, but he is best known for his experiments in behavioral neurology which, despite their apparent simplicity, have had a profound impact on the way we think about the brain.
Rama says, “We may be forced to admit that consciousness, like infinity and the particle-wave concepts in quantum mechanics, is a property that cannot be made intuitively straightforward. Consciousness – like gravity, mass, and charge – may be one of the irreducible properties of the universe for which no further account is possible.”
According to…
“In many spiritual teachings, consciousness is synonymous with the human soul or spirit, the immortal part of a human being.”
So there seems to be some “spiritual” aspect to this “consciousness” we’re talking about on the other side of the Field.
You probably wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t already believe that “you” are more than your body, that you are a spiritual being more than a physical being, that you have something many people refer to as a “higher self,” or an “expanded self,” or a “higher power,” or a “higher consciousness” of which you are a part, or an expression.
You may even ask this “higher self” for help, for guidance, for support. You may think that this “higher self” is the “real you,” and that what is inside your body is just a small part of who you really are.
But are “you” and your “higher self” the same thing?
Trumpet player in an orchestra
Right tackle on a football team
Conceive –Higher Self
Receive – Brain
Perceive – Personality Construct
Consciousness – conceives (creates)
Brain – receives (and translates)
You – perceive (and react and respond)
So why not simply call this “consciousness” on the other side of the Field the “Higher Self?”
Two reasons:
1. The word “higher”
2. The word “self”
Therefore, we need a new name as well as a new definition for this “consciousness” on the other side of the Field.
Other people have recognized this problem as well and come up with their own name for this “consciousness.”
“In Scientology, the concept of thetan is similar to the concept of spirit or soul found in other belief systems.”
~ Wikipedia
I decided quite early I could not use terms like “higher self,” “higher power,” “higher consciousness,” or “expanded self,” since they, too, are so over-used and misunderstood; and frankly, they all take a us in exactly the opposite direction of where we want to go.
Likewise, I didn’t want to use “soul” or “spirit” or anything else with any religious connotation. This isn’t about theology or ascended masters or higher levels of spirituality.
So what kind of name can we give this “consciousness?”
When we’re talking about the “you” and “me” in our total immersion movie on this side of the Field, we could actually call ourselves the “Finite I,” since we are subject to the limitations and restrictions of the holographic universe.
When we’re talking about the “consciousness” on the other side of the Field, I can imagine that it has more of an “infinite” nature – not bound by the limitations and restrictions of the holographic universe – such as…
• Infinite power
• Infinite joy
• Infinite wisdom
• Infinite abundance
• Unlimited and unconditional love
• An unlimited desire to play and express ourselves creatively
So I prefer to call it the “Infinite I.”
Once again, it is not the “you” or “me” that sits here now.
The you and me that sits here now is the “I” that experiences the holograms created by the Infinite I. It is the “ Finite I” that lives in the Holographic Universe – what we normally call the “physical universe.”
Just like the holographic universe is created by our own projections, we (inside the hologram) are a projection created by our Infinite I.
A little later we will talk about a world view – a model for life – that suggests we are a representative of our Infinite I in a holographic 3D total immersion movie called the “Human Game.”
“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players…”
– William Shakespeare
So instead of calling the “I” that is sitting here now the “Finite I,” I’m going to call it the “Player.”
• Pirates of the Caribbean
To start this video game, YOU play the role of the Infinite I, creating a Player that will represent you in the video game
In “reality,” your Infinite I created you in the same way to represent them in the holographic universe, choosing what you look like down to the bridge of your nose, and even picking your name.
Once you have created a Player in the video game, you choose various experiences you want that Player to have….
• Pirates of the Caribbean
… and you give the Player all the tools it needs to have those experiences, and then direct them every step of the way through the game.
• Pirates of the Caribbean
In exactly the same way, your Infinite I created you as its Player. It chooses and creates from the Field all the experiences it wants you to have, gives you all the tools you need to have those experiences, and then directs you every step of the way through those experiences, whether you are conscious of it or not.
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
But the bottom line is that our Infinite I has chosen experiences it wants us to have down to the smallest detail, and downloaded those experiences to us as holograms, so that we as the Player have those experiences just like in a video game or a total immersion movie.
So is the old new-age saying correct – “You create your own reality?”
It is more in line with the science of quantum physics to say, “Your individual consciousness (Infinite I) creates your own (Player’s) individual and unique holographic reality.”
But you, as the Player, have nothing to do with creating your reality or experiences.
You can’t. You’re on the wrong side of the Field.
This may be difficult for some people to accept, because sometimes the Player doesn’t like the experiences the Infinite I has chosen for them, or doesn’t think they want the experiences they are having, or thinks there is something “wrong” with them or their experiences, or wants to fix, change or improve those experiences in some way – and so they question the judgment of their Infinite I.
We’ll talk a lot more about this in the next few parts of this presentation.
Right now I am asking you to consider the possibility that every moment of every experience we have now – or we have ever had and will ever have – has been carefully chosen and created for us, exactly the way it is and exactly the way our Infinite I wants it to be, whether we (as the Player) like the experience or not.
In short…
The Infinite I conceives (creates)
The human brain receives (and translates)
The Player perceives (and reacts or responds)
The conclusion for Part 3 is:
You – the “Finite I,” the self-consciousness on the holographic side of the Field – have no power to create anything, and do NOT create your own reality or experiences.
It is your Infinite I that has chosen each and every experience for you and downloaded those experiences to you exactly the way it wants, down to the smallest detail.
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
The Human Game is a series of outer experiences that the Player has in order to produce inner experiences that the Infinite I can share vicariously.
Like most games, the Human Game is divided into two parts….
The First Part is designed for the Player to experience as much limitation as possible, like going into a cave to the deepest, darkest place in search of treasure.
The Second Part is designed to bring the Player back out of the cave into the light with the treasure in hand.
The Rules for the First part of the Human Game:
1. The Players must forget who they really are and believe they are something else instead – at the extremes, for example, that they are their body or they are their Infinite I.
2. The Players must believe their holographic experiences are real and what they perceive with their senses is actually happening “out there,” in some objective and independent reality.
3. The Players must believe what they encounter “out there” has power over them and the power to affect their lives.
4. The Players must believe in the judgments of “good and bad,” “right and wrong,” “better and worse,” “good and evil.”
5. The Players must believe there is something “wrong” with the reality they see “out there” that needs to be changed or fixed or improved.
6. The Players must believe they have the power to create a different reality than what they are experiencing and therefore feel defective and deficient (more limited) when they fail.
7. The Players must believe they can think their way out of the Human Game by using their mind, or love their way out of it by using their heart.
David Bohm said, “Now, I say that this system has a fault in it – a ‘systematic fault.’ It is not a fault here, there or here, but it is a fault that is all throughout the system. You may say ‘I see a problem here, so I will bring my thoughts to bear on this problem.’ But my thought is part of the system. It has the same fault as the fault I’m trying to look at, or a similar fault.
“Thought is constantly creating problems that way and then trying to solve them. But as it tries to solve them it makes it worse because it doesn’t notice that it’s creating them, and the more it thinks, the more problems it creates.”
8. The Players must believe they can “make something happen,” and when they fail, blame themselves for not being smarter or better or working harder.
9. The Players must believe there are goals to be reached or agendas to be satisfied or lessons to be learned.
10. The Players must believe they, and they alone, are responsible for meeting their own needs and wants, which they have to fight for.
11. Fear and resistance are the foundations of the First Part of the Game, and judgment and their resulting beliefs are the glue that keeps the illusions working.
12. These illusions must never break down or the Players would see through the Game.
To put it briefly, the First Part of the Human Game was designed to experience limitation — in all shapes and sizes — and all these rules lead to that. So if you have been following the rules (and you literally could not do anything else), you have most likely experienced a great deal of limitation in your life. You just didn’t know why until now, because you weren’t supposed to.
I understand that you probably didn’t like the limitation of the First Part of the Human Game, that it didn’t feel “good,” that it didn’t feel “right,” and that you think you have been doing something “wrong.” But you haven’t, and neither have I. We’ve been playing the Game exactly as we should, exactly as our Infinite I’s wanted us to.
Even the judgment and the resistance haven’t been “wrong,” since they led to more limitation, which is what the Infinite I wanted. In other words, we’ve been doing a fantastic job as the Players we were created to be.
But since the First Part of the Human Game is intentionally the opposite of the natural state of an Infinite I, it takes an enormous amount of power to create it and keep it going.
I really like the analogy of a rollercoaster in an amusement park….
I don’t know what goes on in your mind, but I often hear myself saying, “Why the hell did I agree to do this? Am I crazy? Let me off of this thing! I’m going to die today. This is nuts. I’m getting sick! Who designed this crazy ride? I’m going to kill them when I get off, if I get off!” Yes, I resist that first hill with everything I have. I don’t like it; it doesn’t feel good; it isn’t natural; and I question my sanity.
Likewise, going as much as possible into limitation produces the same reactions. It’s supposed to; that’s the Game. But we are still connected enough to our Infinite I to “know,” deep down inside, that this isn’t the way an Infinite I normally lives. So we resist it and wonder why we’re having these experiences.
But the other reason that I like the rollercoaster analogy is that we can never experience or appreciate the ride to come if we don’t first go up the big hill.
Like the Human Game, a rollercoaster has two “halves” — you go up the hill in the First Part, and down the hill in the Second Part. If looked at objectively, the First Part is no “better” or “worse” than the Second Part. In fact, the Second Part could not exist without the First Part. So there can be no “judgment” that one part is better than the other.
More importantly, someone riding on the Second Part of the rollercoaster is no more “enlightened” or “better” or “more advanced” or “ascended” than someone going up the first hill. They’re just at a different point on the ride, that’s all.
The last reason I like this analogy is that it reverses how we normally think about limitation. Rather than going “down” into limitation, or “down” into the depths, the First Part of the rollercoaster is “up.”
So instead of saying that we reach the “bottom” in our lives, it’s better in my mind to say that we reach the pinnacle, or the peak, or the apex of limitation, when it’s then time to start the Second part of the Game. For me this also helps take away the judgment.
My personal story…
• I had no job.
• I had no car.
• I had no money.
• I had no relationship, no one to love.
• I had two marriages, both of which failed after 15+ years because of my own issues.
• Although I had a few close friends, none of them lived within a thousand miles of me.
• I had a wonderful family, including three fantastic grandchildren; but other than my daughter and her husband, I hardly got to see them.
• I had written two books that no one was buying and apparently no one wanted to read.
• I had no future plans, no idea how anything would change.
There is this moment at the top of the hill — a brief moment of seeming weightlessness, when you’ve stopped climbing that interminable and “awful” hill — when you let go of all the resistance you had going up, but have not yet started the ride down. This is the moment of no judgment, the moment of clarity, the moment of complete objectivity.
This is a very brief moment when you can be appreciative that you made it to the top, and even appreciative of the climb itself. You’re not even looking ahead to the next part of the ride, but simply suspended in space and time.
This moment will happen for every Player, when the time is right, when their Infinite I has experienced all the limitation it wants. This moment can, and probably will, be different for every Player as well; but everyone will have a “halftime,” which apparently includes “instant replays” of the major events of the First Part of the Human Game, and an honest and unemotional assessment of where you stand (or sit!).
Like a rollercoaster, this moment may not last very long; and then, hang on, because it’s time for the Second Part to begin!
The Second Part is the opposite of the First part….
1. The Player knows what it has been calling “reality” is not real at all, but a hologram created by its Infinite I to play the Human Game. This Game is being played by consciousness, in consciousness, and for consciousness; and in fact “there is no ‘out there’ out there,’ no independent objective reality.
2. The Player knows once it has moved into the Second Part, all holograms experienced by the Player will be totally in support of its metamorphosis into a butterfly, rather than toward more limitation and restriction.
3. The Player knows it can never and will never experience anything in any hologram its Infinite I has not created and wanted to experience, and that its Infinite I has written and approved the script being used by anyone else appearing in the Player’s hologram. No one in the Player’s hologram can ever do or say anything its Infinite I has not requested.
4. The Player knows its focus changes from thinking to feeling. In the Second Part there is nothing to analyze, dissect, or understand – never any reason to ask “why?” Thinking and studying are now only the result of an inner curiosity to expand one’s knowledge instead of being required to figure out the world or make a Player “better” or more “enlightened.”
5. The Player switches from “giving its power away” to make a hologram real, to “taking its power back” from it. When holograms appear that cause any kind of discomfort, it is an indication that the Player assigned some power to that hologram to make it real while playing in the First Part, and this is the opportunity to recognize the hologram was in fact not real at all and reclaim that power from it.
6. The Player leaves behind any and all judgment of anyone or anything in any hologram at any time, such as “good” and “bad,” or “right” and “wrong.” As Rudyard Kipling said in his poem, If: “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two imposters just the same….”
7. The Player knows there is never anything that needs to be fixed or changed or improved in the holograms it experiences.
8. The Player changes from being “proactive” to being “reactive.” There is nothing the Player ever again needs to “make happen.” Being “reactive” means that when a holographic illusion that appears “out there” seems to require a decision, a response, or an action, the Player takes it (as long as it does not include discomfort). Or, when the Player feels an internal motivation or impulse to act, it does. In other words, the Player follows its inner excitement as long as it is fun and brings total joy.
9. The Player lives from moment to moment, one day at a time. There are no goals, no planning, no targets, no objectives, and no agendas. There is no past and no future – just “now.”
10. The Player develops a deep love and sincere appreciation for its Infinite I, for itself as the Player, and for all the First Part holographic creations, even though at the time of the experience they may have seemed less than joyful. The Player marvels in awe at the beautiful, perfect, and miraculous job the Player did in the First Part to convince itself it was real, and that the holographic world it saw around it was real.
11. The Player has the “knowing” and the complete trust its Infinite I will take care of all its needs (including money), and there is no reason to worry about anything. The Infinite I would not create a hologram it wanted the Player to experience if it did not also give it everything it needs for that experience.
12. The Player wakes up each day looking forward with curious anticipation to the experiences its Infinite I will create for it that day; and the Player buckles up, relaxes, and enjoys the ride.
Who am I?
I am a Player, representing my Infinite I in the Human Game.
Why am I here?
I’m here to have outer experiences to which I react and respond with feeling so that my Infinite I can share in the inner experience.
If all this is true, the most logical question is:
Why would any Infinite I create experiences of pain and suffering for their Player?
The answer is:
They don’t!
Conversations with God
Pushing things to the limit – contest
All we really need to know is that the Human Game is an “outer experience” created for a Player by its Infinite I so that the Infinite I can have the “inner experience” through the connection to its Player.
So what if….
What if the opposite of what we have always believed is also true?
What if life is not a school, or a training ground, or a test, or a “bitch,” but a fun ride in an amusement park instead?
What if the purpose of life on Earth is not to learn something (thinking), but to experience something (feeling)?
What if we as Players are supposed to feel “separate” from our Infinite I’s – at least in the First Part of the Game – rather than bemoaning the fact or trying to “reconnect?”
What if our connection to our Infinite I has never been “broken,” but we were supposed to think it was in order to play the Game?
What if every experience we have ever had and will ever have is exactly the way our Infinite I wants it, down to the smallest detail, and there’s nothing to be changed, fixed, or improved in our holograms?
What if all the things we have resisted are actually what our Infinite I’s have wanted us to experience, and that it’s only our judgment and resistance that has caused our pain and suffering?
What if we have never done anything “wrong,” but only think we have, and believe everyone else when they tell us we’re defective and deficient, “sinners” who need to be “saved?”
What if humankind itself has never made any “mistake” either, but instead has explored the heights of limitation exactly as the Infinite I’s wanted?
What if the Earth doesn’t need to be “saved” either — that it has its own Infinite I who is creating the precise experiences it wants as well, down to the smallest detail?
What if it is only our ego that says we have the power to create or change anything, and that all power actually resides with the Infinite I on the other side of the Field?
What if we don’t need any “self-help” — no magic formulas, no “secrets,” no “spiritual laws,” no gurus, and no special techniques to try to make things different than they are?
What if, no matter what we do in the First part of the Human Game — like meditate, pray, eat only organic food, and so on — it will not change anything until we have experienced all the limitation our Infinite I wants and it is ready for us to play the Second part?
What if all we need to do is relax, enjoy the experiences our Infinite I creates for us (whatever they may be), and stop judging those experiences to be “good” or “bad,” “better” or “worse,” “right” or “wrong”?
What if, not understanding this, we have made up many “stories” to try to explain what we experience — religions, philosophies, and beliefs — many of which contain some truth, but which are always altered somehow so that they actually lead into more limitation?
What if it’s now halftime in the Human Game for many people — time to get ready to play the Second part of the Human game, to go over the top of the first hill on the rollercoaster and enjoy the ride back to InfiniteLand?
So here is how Life apparently works in a Holographic Universe….
1. Your Infinite I creates you as a Player to represent it in the Human Game, and tags the specific wave frequencies that are “you” as a template in the Field.
2. Your Infinite I (not you!) decides on the next experience it wants you (the Player) to have and writes the “script” for that experience by choosing the specific wave frequencies in the Field that will create this holographic 3D total immersion movie. Every experience it creates is a gift from your Infinite I to you, no matter how you might view or judge that experience.
3. Your Infinite I downloads the wave frequencies in this script to your brain (normally using the “Earth Environment” template as the set), along with everything you as the Player will need to have this experience, including the money and the support from other Players as appropriate.
4. If there are other Players involved in your experience, their Infinite I’s download to their brains their own individual scripts and their parts to play in your movie that have been written or approved by your own Infinite I.
5. Each Player has its own unique and individual experience as everyone acts out this movie, reading their scripts. Each Player has total free will to react and respond to their own unique experience in any way they want, and no reaction or response by any Player is “wrong” or “better” than any other reaction or response.
6. Whatever feelings the Player has in reaction or response to any experience is transmitted back to its Infinite I, which is why the Player was created in the first place – the whole point of the Human Game.
7. No Player can experience anything that their Infinite I did not create and want for them, and no other Player can say or do anything in your movie that your Infinite I did not agree to and approve. All other Players are giving you gifts by volunteering to play a part in your movie, regardless of their behavior and whether you like their gifts or not. (There can be no victims or perpetrators.)
8. Nothing and no one “out there” has any power over you as a Player unless you give them that power by your beliefs. (There is no “out there” out there.)
9. Each holographic experience chosen and downloaded by your Infinite I is in the present moment. Any “memories” of the past and any references to the future are simply storylines in that present-moment holographic 3D total immersion movie. (The Power of Now, Tolle; The Point of Power is in the Present, Seth)
Why wouldn’t anyone want to say “Yes” to any experience their Infinite I creates for them? Why would anyone want anything else than the experience they are having right at the moment, knowing their Infinite I designed it especially for them, down to the smallest detail? Why would anyone resist anything in their hologram?
Actually, I can think of a couple reasons why, and pretty good ones at that.
The first is that they simply don’t trust their Infinite I, and you can’t blame them. After all, they just spent their entire lives inside the movie theater having one experience after another they weren’t too thrilled about, or at least wished would be “better” and thought there was something about them that needed to be changed, fixed, or improved.
Said more simply, a lot of first-half experiences resulted in drama and conflict and pain and suffering – which we now know were caused by our own judgments and resistance. But we have a history and a habit of saying “No” to those experiences and assume those kinds of experiences would continue, even multiply, if we started saying “Yes.”
Another reason is that we’re control freaks – all of us, to a certain degree. We spent a lot of time inside the movie theater trying to control everything – our lives, our money, the people around us, the dangerous world we live in, and so on. Of course, it was just an illusion that we had any control at all over our experiences other than our reactions and responses to them.
Saying “Yes” requires giving up that illusion of control, requires releasing the steering wheel, letting go of the tiller, going totally with the flow with no resistance.
But at the same time, starting to say “Yes” and making a new habit out of it is the easiest and fastest way to gain trust in your Infinite I, once you see where it leads you. It may also be one of the most powerful and effective ways of transforming into a butterfly. So give it a try for twenty-four hours and see for yourself….
Saying “Yes” is the antidote to resistance.
For one day – just twenty-four hours – the participants in my workshops were only allowed to say “Yes” to whatever appeared in their hologram. They had to take the word “No” out of their vocabulary and just say “Yes” to everything that came their way. After all, if our Infinite I is creating each and every experience we have, down to the smallest detail, why not simply say “Yes” to whatever it creates and see what happens?!
You can’t imagine the resistance I encountered….
• “What if someone asks me to do something I don’t want to do?”
• “You say ‘Yes’ and do it.”
• “But what if someone else tries to take advantage of me, knowing I can only say ‘Yes,’?”
• “That’s another fear you’ll have to face.”
• “But what if it’s illegal or immoral?”
…and the objections went on and on, all based on fear and judgment; and of course, that was the whole point, exposing these fears and judgments for them to see – that, and giving the participants the experience of saying “Yes” and realizing they could trust their Infinite I and the experiences it would create for them.
In the Yes Man, Jim Carrey realizes he would never have met the love of his life if he had not said “Yes,” even though it was under the false impression he had to because of some covenant.
No one can be a victim of anything that is said or done in any hologram they experience, because their own Infinite I has either written the script itself or had 100% script approval prior to the hologram being downloaded to its Player. No victims, no perpetrators, period.
What you resist,
But all this brings up a number of questions, like…
The Human Game
Judgment, Beliefs and Opinions
Resistance, Fear and the Ego
The Process/Spiritual Autolysis
How Money Works in a Holographic Universe
One big hologram?
How can we see the same things?
Are we all one?
One Player per Infinite I?
Other people in my hologram
No one can be a victim or perpetrator
Many Worlds, Parallel Universes, Past Lives, Karma
You’re not the one driving the bus
Butterflies Are Free To Fly:
A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution
His email <>
Stephen Davis is ready to go any part of the planet when you pay the flight and the costs of being there, like hotel food.
Really if you can do it just do it . You will appreciate his job. It is really radical and straordinary the way that you change
And your life is totally new after a workshop with Stephen. I am very happy with the changes that produces to my daily life and i am very gratefull to this man and to the work he is doing for free.
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
My name is
Stephen Davis
• Who am I?
• What are my qualifications?
• Niels Bohr, Ph.D., atomic physicist
• David Bohm, Ph.D., quantum physicist
• Karl Pribram, Ph.D., neurophysiologist
• Benjamin Libet, Ph.D., neuroscientist
• Amit Goswami, Ph.D., theoretical nuclear physicist
• Dr. Amit Goswami
• Professor Emeritus in theoretical physics at the University of Oregon
• Senior Scholar in Residence at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
• Author of 8 books on Quantum Physics, including “The Self-Aware Universe” and “Science and Spirituality: A Quantum Integration.”
“This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it is so radical, it’s so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is already ‘out there,’ independent of my experience. It is not. Quantum physics has been so clear about it…”
• David Albert, Ph.D., Director of Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University
• John Hagelin, Ph.D., Physics Professor, Maharishi University
• Stuart Hameroff, M.D., Associate Director of the Center for Consciousness, University of Arizona
• Miceal Ledwith, Ph.D., Professor of Systematic Theology, Maynooth College, Ireland
• Andrew Newberg, Ph.D., Director, Center for Spirituality and the Neurosciences, University of Pennsylvania
• Dean Radin, Ph.D., Professor, Saybrook Graduate School
• Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., Teaching Fellow in Physics, Yale University
• Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., author of “Taking the Quantum Leap” and “Parallel Universes”
• William Tiller, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
• Nick Herbert, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics, Monmouth College
• Richard Feynman, who held the Richard Chace Tolman professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.
• “What The Bleep Do We Know!”
You can see that “outer space” and “inner space” look very much alike – lots of “empty space.”
This video was made in 1977. As technology improved, scientists kept going deeper and deeper, and they found smaller and smaller “particles” and more and more “empty space.”
“Within all the atoms and molecules – all the space within them – the particles take up an insignificant amount of the volume of an atom.”
But it’s the particles that supposedly make up “matter,” so science focuses on them in their experiments.
• Quantum Physics
As the research continued, scientists discovered that the very small particles they were finding did not behave as they were supposed to. Basically, Newtonian Physics only worked well on large objects – objects we can see with our naked eyes – but not at a sub-atomic level.
• The Double Slit Experiment
This was the beginning of Quantum Physics, and the most famous experiment that got everyone opening their minds to new possibilities about the universe and how it works is called the Double Slit Experiment. Here is a cartoon made for children that explains what happened in that experiment.
• Conclusion
Electrons, which are the building blocks of what we call “reality,” are not solid particles at all, but exist as waves of possibilities. In this wave form, they are called “quanta,” which is why the study of how they behave is called “quantum physics.”
• Collapsing the Wave Function
When quanta [electrons] are viewed by an observer, these waves of possibilities “pop” and assume a specific location in space and time, which is what we see as “reality.” This is called “collapsing the wave function.”
This means that an electron – the core element of what we call our solid “physical reality” – is only a solid particle, is only matter when someone is looking at it. Otherwise, it’s a wave, and not solid at all.
Richard Feynman, a famous quantum physicist, once said that if you really understand the Double Slit experiment, you can understand all of quantum physics, and how the entire universe works as well.
“There is compelling evidence that the only time quanta [electrons] ever manifest as particles is when we are looking at them. When an electron isn’t being looked at, it is always a wave.”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 34
To put it the other way around, the natural state of an electron is as a wave. It only pops out of its wave state to form a particle in a specific location in space and time when it is being observed.
But it turns out that it’s not just the electrons that pop in and out of existence.
Listen again to Dr. Jeffrey Satinover….
“Even the nucleus [of an atom], which we think of as so dense, pops in and out of existence just as readily as the electrons do.”
So it is not only the electrons that exist as waves and then pop into a specific location in space and time when they are observed, but also the nucleus; and the most recent research has even found that whole atoms and molecules do the same thing.
Physicist Nick Herbert says this means that the world behind our back -where we are not looking and cannot observe – is always “a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup.” But whenever we turn around and try to see the soup, our glance instantly freezes it and turns it back into “reality.”
Herbert believes this makes us all a little like Midas, the legendary king who never knew the feel of silk or the caress of a human hand because everything he touched turned to gold. Likewise, we can never really know the true nature of the quantum universe because every time we try to observe it, it turns into matter.
Video game
So… if matter is not solid, and reality is not “real,” what IS this physical universe that we experience and think of as so “solid” – that looks and feels so real to us?
Two models have been developed to answer that question…
• The “Field”
• The “Holographic Universe”
• The Field
When we speak of an electron existing as a “wave,” it isn’t like an ocean wave, or a radio wave. It is more like a wave of possible locations where the electron could end up as a particle when it is observed – a wave of possibilities.
This “wave of possibilities” in which the quantum world exists has been called many names over the years, such as…
• the “quantum wave function”
• the “implicate order”
• the “Planck Scale”
• the “zero point field”
• the “superstring field”
• the “unified field”
Mainly it is just called “the Field.” It is a field of unlimited possibilities out of which everything is created.
Lynne McTaggart, author of “The Field,” defines it as “a field of all possibility.” (page xxi)
In other words, everything you can think of, and everything you can’t think of, and everything no one can think of, already exists in wave form in the Field.
So…. The “Field” is a “place” outside of space and time where everything (all possibilities) already exists, but only in “wave” form. This field does not contain particles; it is not matter; it is not part of the physical universe. Instead it is what the entire universe is made from – from these waves of possibilities.
“We can’t explain what we do see as matter…unless we picture that these matter particles somehow come out from or emerge from these thought-wave patterns.”
The problem is that no one can prove that the Field exists. You can’t see it; you can’t photograph it; you can’t measure it; you can’t hold it in your hand. But when quantum physicists assume the Field is there, they can make incredibly accurate mathematical predictions about the physical universe and how it behaves, which they can not do without taking the Field into account.
Think of it like electricity. You can’t see electricity itself; you can only see what electricity produces. One American comedian joked that he wouldn’t pay his electric bill until the company showed him the electricity he was paying for.
But we can see the light electricity makes, and the power, and the other effects we count on every day and now take so much for granted; and when we see those effects, we know that electricity must exist.
The same thing is true for the Field. Even though we can’t prove it exists, nothing makes sense without it in light of the results of the most recent scientific experiments.
Radio example
But how did this “Field” come into existence? Who made it? Where did it come from? Why is it there?
Science has no answer for these questions. They only know that The Field must exist.
So I will not talk now about how The Field was created, or who might have created it, or how it already contains all possibilities, because I want to stick only to the science right now in this presentation. We will have to leave that philosophical discussion for later in the workshop.
The next question we CAN ask is:
How is “reality” created from the Field?
Most quantum physicists agree that it is a very similar process to the creation of a hologram. In other words, the Universe we see is a Holographic Universe.
So, to understand the “Holographic Universe,” we have to understand what a hologram is and how it is created.
The simple definition is that a hologram is “a virtual image, an image that appears to be where it is not…” (Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, page 25)
In other words, a hologram is an image that is not real.
The technical definition is that a hologram is “a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference produced by a split coherent beam of radiation (as a laser).” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
So let’s look at how a hologram is made….
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
You might think that it would be easy to tell the difference between a hologram and “reality”…
“Creating the illusion that things are located where they are NOT is the quintessential feature of a hologram….If you look at a hologram, it seems to have extension in space, but if you pass your hand through it, you will find there is nothing there….
“…Despite what your senses tell you, no instrument will pick up any energy or substance where the hologram appears to be hovering. This is because a hologram is a virtual image, an image that appears to be where it is not…”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 25
University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes… “that despite its apparent solidity, the universe is at heart a phantasm – a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.”
– Michael Talbot,
in an essay entitled
“The Holographic Universe”
• The Holographic Universe
Why do most quantum physicists agree that we live in a holographic universe?
Quantum Physics is actually a science of mathematics, and it is the most accurate mathematical science ever discovered to explain what we see in our “reality.”
…and the mathematics used to create a hologram is the same mathematics used in Quantum Physics to “describe nature” and explain the behavior we see in our “reality.”
This is why quantum physicists say that the universe seems to be more like a hologram than solid reality.
More and more scientists and researchers in addition to quantum physicists are now agreeing….
For example….
“An astonishing theory called the holographic principle holds that the universe is like a hologram…. The physics of black holes — immensely dense concentrations of mass —provides a hint that the principle might be true.”
– Dr. Jacob D. Bekenstein
Professor of Theoretical Physics,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Scientific American (August 2003)
So let’s take a look at a couple examples of holograms that might help make this a lot clearer….
The first is from the movie, The 13th Floor…
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
“There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it – from snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars and spinning electrons – are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own that it is literally beyond both space and time.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 1
• Conclusion to Part 1
Quantum physics is very clear:
What we call “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real to us inside it.
“This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it is so radical, it’s so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is
If all of this is true, and quantum physics says it is, the next logical question is:
Exactly how is this holographic universe created for us to experience as physical “reality”?
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
• Conclusion to Part 1
Quantum physics is very clear:
What we call “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real to us inside it.
In the words of Albert Einstein,
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
But this idea that “reality” is an illusion is not a new concept.
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism all talk about Maya, or life as an illusion.
“The real sky is knowing that samsara [the physical world] … merely an illusory display.”
– Mipham Rinpoche, Quintessential Instructions of Mind, p. 117
The Kabala says that “the first aspect of God is all that there really exists; all else is an illusion.”
A Course in Miracles puts it this way…
“In any state apart from Heaven [in the physical world] life is illusion…. Outside of Heaven, only the conflict of illusion stands; senseless, impossible and beyond all reason…. Illusions are but forms. Their content is never true.”
– T-23.11.18:8-19:9
What quantum physics has done is…
1. Scientifically confirmed what many other people have said about “reality” being an illusion, and…
2. Discovered that “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real.
You could actually call this physical reality we live in a “holographic 3D total immersion movie”….
Here’s Woody Allen’s version of a “total immersion movie”….
Which brings us to the question…
Exactly how is this holographic universe created for us to experience as physical “reality”?
Just in the last couple of years we have discovered the answer to that question through some very amazing brain research….
Dr. Karl Pribram has had a long and illustrious career. Born in Austria in 1919, Pribram is both a neurosurgeon and a neurophysiologist who spent many years trying to find out where memories are stored in the brain.
The problem was that in the 1920’s a brain scientist by the name of Karl Lashley had found “no matter what portion of a rat’s brain he removed, he was unable to eradicate its memory of how to perform complex tasks it had learned prior to surgery.” So Pribram set out to solve the mystery of memory storage that seemed independent of brain cells (neurons).
But it wasn’t until Pribram met David Bohm, one of the pioneers in quantum physics, that he found his answer. “Bohm helped establish the foundation for Pribram’s theory that the brain operates in a manner similar to a hologram, in accordance with quantum mathematical principles and the characteristics of wave patterns.” (Talbot)
Technically, “Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a hologram.” (Talbot)
“Just as a hologram functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to convert an apparently meaningless blur of frequencies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain also comprises a lens and uses holographic principles to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives through the senses into the inner world of our perceptions.” (Talbot)
In short, Pribram believes “our brains mathematically construct ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain.”
~ Michael Talbot,
The Holographic Universe
Let’s translate all of this into simple English. According to Karl Pribram and the results of many scientific experiments, the human brain itself is a hologram. Its function is to receive holographic wave frequencies from “a frequency domain” (The Field) and translate them into the “particular” physical universe we see “out there.”
Think about a radio or TV set, which converts wave frequencies we cannot see into sounds we can hear and images we can see. Many scientific experiments have now proven that, in the same way, the human brain receives wave frequencies “downloaded” to it from the Field, and then converts those wave frequencies into physical “reality.”
Libet was flabbergasted. He tried to find an explanation, as did many other scientists; and the prevailing theory became that time can travel backwards. It’s called the “time reversal theory,” or “subjective backward referral,” or “antedating.”
However, after trying to prove this and failing, Libet himself later said “there appeared to be no neural mechanism that could be viewed as directly mediating or accounting for the subjective sensory referrals backward in time.” In other words, there is no evidence in the brain for time reversal as the explanation for this phenomenon.
The only conclusion that makes any sense is that the brain knows what picture is coming before the person is aware of it – indeed, before the computer has even chosen which picture to display – and the body is responding accordingly!
“There have been some studies that have shown that when people are beginning to move a hand, or beginning to say something, that there’s actually activity in the brain – or certain nerve cells of the brain – even before they become consciously aware of what they were trying to do.”
“What our experiments reveal is that there is… a deterministic mechanism unfolding that leads up to your decision at a later point in time.”
Remember what Karl Pribram said, that “our brains mathematically construct ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain.”
So if we put these brain experiments together with Pribram, and what we know from quantum physics, the conclusion is inescapable…
…Your brain first receives a hologram in wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, translates those waves into particles to create physical “reality,” and then sends that “reality” “out there” for you to experience.
* Libet’s experiments
* Dean Radin’s experiments
* The BBC experiment
Remember how a hologram is made?
• Collapsing the Wave Function
When quanta [electrons] are viewed by an observer, these waves of possibilities “pop” and assume a specific location in space and time, which is what we see as “reality.” This is called “collapsing the wave function.”
To put it the other way around, the natural state of an electron is as a wave. It only pops out of its wave state to form a particle in a specific location in space and time when it is being observed.
This new brain research proves that the human brain is the “observer” that “collapses the wave function”, since quantum physics says it is the “observer” that changes an electron from a wave into a particle.
Put more simply, it’s the brain that takes those wavy 3-D pictures
and translates them into something we can see and understand.
It might be easier to understand this by using an example we are all familiar with….
The personal computer
Computers use what is called “binary code,” which is made up of nothing but zero’s and one’s. If you look at the zero’s and one’s themselves, they look random and chaotic, like the 3-D pictures.
Inside every computer is a CPU — a Central Processing Unit — that acts as the “brain” of the computer. This CPU receives the binary code in sequences of zero’s and one’s, translates that binary code, and projects the results onto a computer screen where we can see it in a form that makes sense to us.
A computer also has its own sensory perceptions, which include things like a mouse, a touch screen, a microphone, a video camera, etc. When we interact with the computer through one of its senses — like clicking the mouse — that message gets sent back to the CPU for further processing.
Therefore, in the same way that a computer’s CPU receives its binary code, translates it, projects the results onto a screen, and then processes the inputs that come back through the mouse and other sensory perceptions…
…our human brain receives wave frequencies from the Field, translates them into particles by collapsing the wave function, projects the results “out there,” and then processes the inputs that come back through our own sensory perceptions.
This is a very important point….
Our senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, etc. – are not really sensing some independent “reality” “out there,” but in fact are first projecting that reality so that it appears to be “out there.”
Our senses are not just a one-way street of incoming perception, but a two-way street of projection and then perception.
Apparently, once our brain converts the wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, it projects them “out there” and makes it appear that we are surrounded by a “total immersion movie.” Then, and only then, our senses “read” what has been projected “out there” and bring that information back to the brain.
We have been conditioned since birth to believe that what we see “out there” is “real” – an independent, objective reality that has a life of its own….
… and our role is limited to observing it and perceiving it and interacting with it.
NOT SO, according to the latest scientific research.
We are projecting our reality first, and then perceiving it coming back to us.
There’s an old new-age saying: “You create your own reality.”
While this is technically NOT true, what IS true is:
You are projecting your own unique holographic 3D experience that has been downloaded from the Field to your brain.
• Conclusion to Part 2
You are projecting your own unique holographic 3D experience that has been downloaded from the Field to your brain.
It’s as if you were sitting in the middle of a movie theater with a white screen 360 degrees all around you, but the movie that was being projected onto that screen was coming from inside your own brain. In other words, your brain is the movie projector, and the movie you’re watching is a hologram, and is not real.
“If the holographic brain model is taken to its logical conclusions, it opens the door on the possibility that objective reality – the world of coffee cups, mountain vistas, elm trees, and table lamps – might not even exist….
“Is it possible that what is ‘out there’ is really a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a ‘frequency domain’ that is transformed into the world as we know it only after it enters our brain?”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 31
David Bohm, one of the great quantum physicists, said that “the tangible reality of our everyday lives is really a kind of illusion, like a holographic image. Underlying it is a deeper order of existence, a vast and more primary level of reality that gives birth to all the objects and appearances of our physical world in much the same way that a piece of holographic film gives birth to a hologram.”
“If the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality, and what is ‘out there’ is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only processes some of the frequencies out of this blur, what becomes of objective reality?…Put quite simply, it ceases to exist.…
“Although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this is an illusion…. We are really ‘receivers’ floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency.”
Michael Talbot
The Universe as a Hologram
In other words, there is no ‘out there’ out there.
There is no independent, objective reality.
All there is is a holographic 3D total immersion movie which we are projecting so that it appears to be “out there.”
• Review and Summary
Let’s put all this together in a simple summary…
1. Somehow (and science does not know how), a Field of infinite possibilities exists in the form of wave frequencies.
• Review and Summary
2. Someone or something chooses some of those wave frequencies to create a holographic universe for a human being to experience and downloads that experience to a human brain.
• Review and Summary
3. The brain then translates those wave frequencies downloaded from the Field into “particles” in a holographic 3D total immersion movie and projects that movie “out there” for us to perceive.
• Review and Summary
4. The body, the brain, all physical matter, and everything this human being experiences and considers to be “real” are part of this hologram. However, “reality” is not “real,” not solid, not “out there,” even though it looks and feels that way. It is only a hologram, and by definition, a hologram is not ‘real.’
• Review and Summary
5. The human being who “sees” this holographic universe thinks that it is “real” and “solid,” when in fact it is not – it is just a unique hologram created for that human being.
In short, we are living in a holographic universe. We only think this universe is real because we are inside the hologram, and part of the hologram itself.
• Review and Summary
6. But the human being who thinks they are “seeing reality” assigns power to that reality and gives power to the persons, places, and things they see “out there;” so remember…
Exercise – practice seeing the world “out there” as a hologram that you are projecting, rather than as an independent, objective reality that you are merely perceiving and interacting with.
If all of this is true, and the latest scientific research says it is, the question then arises:
Who or what is choosing certain wave frequencies from the Field and downloading them to a human brain to be converted into particles to become the reality we see and experience?
Who or what is the “laser” that chooses the holographic 3D total immersion movie to download to the brain for us to experience as our “reality”?
Butterflies Are Free To Fly:
A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
Here’s what we learned in Part One….
1. Matter is not solid. It is mostly empty space.
Remember Dr. William Tiller saying…
“Within all the atoms and molecules – all the space within them – the particles take up an insignificant amount of the volume of an atom.”
2. We also learned through the Double Slit Experiment that these “particles” that make up matter are not particles all the time. They are “waves” until they are observed, and then they “pop” into being a particle in a specific location. In fact, these “particles” are actually “waves” most of the time.
3. We learned that there is a Field that exists as waves of possibilities that contains an infinite number of frequencies to create the physical universe that we see. This is where all “particles” live as waves until they are observed and “pop” into a specific physical location.
4. We also learned how a hologram is made…
What we didn’t talk about in Part 1 was that a single piece of holographic film can store a very large number of objects on it…
Rewritable Atomic Holographic Storage Using Reprogrammable ” Atomic / Photonic / Quantum Switch’s ” will dramatically improve applications like 6,840 raw uncompressed high quality Video/TV hours, or 2,100,000 chest x-rays, or nearly 10,000,000 high-resolution images, or 30,000 four-drawer filing cabinets of documents, or , or 20,000 DVD’S Worm’s , or 4,000 BLU-Ray Worm disk’s, or 100 – 100 gigabyte disk drives or 50 Inphase Holographic disks on ONE 10 Terabyte 3.5 in. removable disc.
So, a single piece of holographic film can store a very large number of objects on it…
…and that to make one certain object pop out as a hologram, the laser in Step 2 has to choose those precise wave frequencies for the apple by being shot at a specific angle at the film.
5. We learned that the physical universe that we see is actually not solid matter at all, but more like a hologram.
In short, quantum physics says that the physical universe that we perceive as “reality” is created by collapsing the wave function from unlimited possibilities in the Field into a hologram.
BUT… the holographic reality that we see looks very real to us, even though it isn’t real at all….
• Conclusion to Part 1
Quantum physics is very clear:
What we call “reality” is actually a holographic picture that only looks and feels real to us inside it.
“Creating the illusion that things are located where they are NOT is the quintessential feature of a hologram…. This is because a hologram is a virtual image, an image that appears to be where it is not…”
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, page 25
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
Remember the words of Albert Einstein…
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
Then in Part 2 of this presentation, we looked at several of the most interesting brain experiments that have been performed over the last few decades, the most recent being…
“What our experiments reveal is that there is… a deterministic mechanism unfolding that leads up to your decision at a later point in time.”
Remember what Karl Pribram said, that “our brains mathematically construct ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain.”
So when we put these brain experiments together with Pribram, and what we know from quantum physics, the conclusion was inescapable…
…Your brain first receives a hologram in wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, translates those waves into particles to create physical “reality,” and then sends that “reality” “out there” for you to experience.
So instead of this….
We get this…
Apparently, once our brain converts the wave frequencies downloaded from the Field, it projects them “out there” and makes it appear that we are surrounded by a “total immersion movie.” Then, and only then, our senses “read” what has been projected “out there” and bring that information back to the brain.
We have been conditioned since birth to believe that what we see “out there” is “real” – an independent, objective reality that has a life of its own….
… and our role is limited to observing and perceiving it.
NOT SO, according to quantum physics and the latest scientific research.
We are projecting our reality first, and then perceiving it coming back to us.
And all this means that….
“This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. But it is so radical, it’s so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is
Before we go on, are there questions or comments about anything in Parts 1 and 2?
We ended Part 2 by asking the question….
If all of this is true, and the latest scientific research says it is, then: Who or what chooses certain wave frequencies from the Field and downloads them to a human brain to be converted into particles to become the reality we see and experience?
In other words, who or what is the “laser” that chooses the holographic reality to download for us to experience as the physical universe?
What do you think?
The best answer quantum physicists have come up with so far is…
Here’s how Dr. Amit Goswami puts it…
“Quantum Physics enables us to see directly that we can make sense of the world only if we base the world on consciousness.”
“Consciousness” is the thing that chooses certain wave frequencies from the Field and downloads them to a human brain to create its holographic experience.
So we are going to call this the “consciousness model.”
Not all quantum physicists agree with this, because you can’t study “consciousness” scientifically; so they have proposed many other theories. But we are going to follow the vast majority who do use “consciousness” as the best answer.
For example….
“Quantum Physics says that consciousness is playing a role in the universe. It says that there is a secret underground that seems to be effecting the reality we live in…”
~ Fred Alan Wolf
“Quantum mechanics says that there is a spiritual world that makes this choice, that there is another world that is intangible that effects and influences the physical world.”
~ Dr. Jeffrey Satinover
“…whether the material world can actually be derived from a consciousness reality, or whether consciousness itself could even be the fundamental stuff of the universe…”
~ Dr. Andrew Newberg
So, the simplest and best answer to the question, “Who or what collapses the quantum wave function in the Field into a hologram to become the reality we see and experience?” is “consciousness.”
“Consciousness” creates the holograms we experience from “the Field.”
So what goes in place of the laser gun?
The answer – according to this model – is “consciousness.”
So, are we all agreed?
Consciousness is what chooses the precise wave frequencies in The Field and downloads them to a human brain, which then converts them into space/time particles and out pops our “reality.”
But what exactly is “consciousness” in this context?
There are different definitions and different uses of the word “consciousness,” and this is where we start having real problems with this model.
For example, take the word “power”…
The noun, “power,” has 16 different definitions in the American Heritage Dictionary alone…
But it’s fairly easy to determine what definition of “power” is being used based on the context.
Unfortunately, that’s not true with the word “consciousness,” especially in this context.
Let’s look at some of the definitions of “consciousness”….
The “consciousness” you and I have right now is “self-consciousness…”
The Wikipedia says…
Consciousness is a term that has been used to refer to a variety of aspects of the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts. It has been defined, at one time or another, as: subjective experience; awareness; the ability to experience feelings; wakefulness; having a sense of selfhood; or as the executive control system of the mind.
We’re calling this “thing” on the other side of the Field “consciousness” because it is aware and it is making choices and decisions – things we normally associate with “consciousness.”
But we also call other things on THIS side of the Field “consciousness” which are not at all like what’s on the other side of the Field and are NOT making choices and decisions.
So I think it’s clear no one really knows exactly what this consciousness is – especially in this context – or how to properly define it. The truth is we only know that something must exist on the other side of the Field that is choosing our experiences and downloading them to our brains.
Radio example
We are, in fact, incapable of knowing, and always will be incapable of knowing, simply because we are on the other side of The Field from this consciousness; and our brains – at least according to Karl Pribram – are designed as holographic receivers and translators, and have no capacity or ability to access or process any information on the other side of The Field.
Anything we might say about what goes on on the other side of the Field is purely speculation.
So this is where the science stops – where we move from quantum physics into metaphysics….
What we are going to do is develop a “model” based on this science that can give us a much better idea of how this universe works. In other words, we can make our best guess about what’s on the other side of the Field that might conform to the scientific principles we’ve just learned about.
I want to stress that “models” are NOT belief systems.
A model takes the evidence already at hand – in our case, the results of the scientific experiments in quantum physics and brain research – and develops a theory or representation of how that evidence might be applied if taken to the next level.
A model is designed to be tested and challenged to see how well it performs.
On the other hand, a “belief system” is often formed in contradiction to the evidence at hand, and cannot withstand testing and challenging. In fact, a belief system tries to avoid being tested or challenged at all costs.
And that’s what I want to do after lunch – to create a model of how this holographic universe works. But we have to start by coming up with a new name and a working definition of this “consciousness” on the other side of the Field….
Let’s briefly review what we know from the science to be true to this point.
So now, your guess is as good as mine – as long as “your guess” conforms to all the science we have learned thus far.
How do YOU want to define this thing called “consciousness” on the other side of the Field?
And the $64,000 question is:
Are YOU this “consciousness?” Are YOU the one creating your reality, as the old new-age saying would have us believe?
I think we can agree on what this “consciousness” is NOT….
It is not the body, the brain, the mind, the intellect, or anything else in the holographic universe. Those things belong to the “human being” – the “self-consciousness” that is the representative of this Consciousness in the physical reality we call Earth.
All the brain research proves that we are NOT conscious, we are NOT aware of the experience we are about to have until AFTER the brain and the body know what experience we are about to have….
…and in the case of the BBC experiment, someone watching our brain activity can know what experience we are about to have as much as 6 seconds BEFORE our own consciousness knows.
It is also NOT the “consciousness” you and I have right now – not the “self-consciousness” that is “conscious of one’s own acts or states as belonging to or originating in oneself,” as the dictionary puts it.
Rene Descartes said “I think, therefore I am.” However, in quantum physics, we are finding that the opposite of everything is also true: “I am, therefore I think.”
The consciousness we’re now talking about is the “I am;” you and I and our self-consciousness are the “I think.”
Fred Alan Wolf talked about this “consciousness” as “a secret underground that seems to be effecting the reality we live in…”
Dr. Jeffrey Satinover said that “there is a spiritual world that makes this choice, that there is another world that is intangible that effects and influences the physical world.”
Dr. Andrew Newberg wondered “whether consciousness itself could even be the fundamental stuff of the universe…”
V.S. Ramachandran is Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition and Professor with the Psychology Department and Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego, and Adjunct Professor of Biology at the Salk Institute. Rama’s early work was on visual perception, but he is best known for his experiments in behavioral neurology which, despite their apparent simplicity, have had a profound impact on the way we think about the brain.
Rama says, “We may be forced to admit that consciousness, like infinity and the particle-wave concepts in quantum mechanics, is a property that cannot be made intuitively straightforward. Consciousness – like gravity, mass, and charge – may be one of the irreducible properties of the universe for which no further account is possible.”
According to…
“In many spiritual teachings, consciousness is synonymous with the human soul or spirit, the immortal part of a human being.”
So there seems to be some “spiritual” aspect to this “consciousness” we’re talking about on the other side of the Field.
You probably wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t already believe that “you” are more than your body, that you are a spiritual being more than a physical being, that you have something many people refer to as a “higher self,” or an “expanded self,” or a “higher power,” or a “higher consciousness” of which you are a part, or an expression.
You may even ask this “higher self” for help, for guidance, for support. You may think that this “higher self” is the “real you,” and that what is inside your body is just a small part of who you really are.
But are “you” and your “higher self” the same thing?
Trumpet player in an orchestra
Right tackle on a football team
Conceive –Higher Self
Receive – Brain
Perceive – Personality Construct
Consciousness – conceives (creates)
Brain – receives (and translates)
You – perceive (and react and respond)
So why not simply call this “consciousness” on the other side of the Field the “Higher Self?”
Two reasons:
1. The word “higher”
2. The word “self”
Therefore, we need a new name as well as a new definition for this “consciousness” on the other side of the Field.
Other people have recognized this problem as well and come up with their own name for this “consciousness.”
“In Scientology, the concept of thetan is similar to the concept of spirit or soul found in other belief systems.”
~ Wikipedia
I decided quite early I could not use terms like “higher self,” “higher power,” “higher consciousness,” or “expanded self,” since they, too, are so over-used and misunderstood; and frankly, they all take a us in exactly the opposite direction of where we want to go.
Likewise, I didn’t want to use “soul” or “spirit” or anything else with any religious connotation. This isn’t about theology or ascended masters or higher levels of spirituality.
So what kind of name can we give this “consciousness?”
When we’re talking about the “you” and “me” in our total immersion movie on this side of the Field, we could actually call ourselves the “Finite I,” since we are subject to the limitations and restrictions of the holographic universe.
When we’re talking about the “consciousness” on the other side of the Field, I can imagine that it has more of an “infinite” nature – not bound by the limitations and restrictions of the holographic universe – such as…
• Infinite power
• Infinite joy
• Infinite wisdom
• Infinite abundance
• Unlimited and unconditional love
• An unlimited desire to play and express ourselves creatively
So I prefer to call it the “Infinite I.”
Once again, it is not the “you” or “me” that sits here now.
The you and me that sits here now is the “I” that experiences the holograms created by the Infinite I. It is the “ Finite I” that lives in the Holographic Universe – what we normally call the “physical universe.”
Just like the holographic universe is created by our own projections, we (inside the hologram) are a projection created by our Infinite I.
A little later we will talk about a world view – a model for life – that suggests we are a representative of our Infinite I in a holographic 3D total immersion movie called the “Human Game.”
“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players…”
– William Shakespeare
So instead of calling the “I” that is sitting here now the “Finite I,” I’m going to call it the “Player.”
• Pirates of the Caribbean
To start this video game, YOU play the role of the Infinite I, creating a Player that will represent you in the video game
In “reality,” your Infinite I created you in the same way to represent them in the holographic universe, choosing what you look like down to the bridge of your nose, and even picking your name.
Once you have created a Player in the video game, you choose various experiences you want that Player to have….
• Pirates of the Caribbean
… and you give the Player all the tools it needs to have those experiences, and then direct them every step of the way through the game.
• Pirates of the Caribbean
In exactly the same way, your Infinite I created you as its Player. It chooses and creates from the Field all the experiences it wants you to have, gives you all the tools you need to have those experiences, and then directs you every step of the way through those experiences, whether you are conscious of it or not.
“It is relatively easy to understand this idea of holism in something that is external to us, like an apple in a hologram. What makes this difficult is that we are not looking at the hologram; we are part of the hologram.”
– Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe, (pp. 46, 55)
But the bottom line is that our Infinite I has chosen experiences it wants us to have down to the smallest detail, and downloaded those experiences to us as holograms, so that we as the Player have those experiences just like in a video game or a total immersion movie.
So is the old new-age saying correct – “You create your own reality?”
It is more in line with the science of quantum physics to say, “Your individual consciousness (Infinite I) creates your own (Player’s) individual and unique holographic reality.”
But you, as the Player, have nothing to do with creating your reality or experiences.
You can’t. You’re on the wrong side of the Field.
This may be difficult for some people to accept, because sometimes the Player doesn’t like the experiences the Infinite I has chosen for them, or doesn’t think they want the experiences they are having, or thinks there is something “wrong” with them or their experiences, or wants to fix, change or improve those experiences in some way – and so they question the judgment of their Infinite I.
We’ll talk a lot more about this in the next few parts of this presentation.
Right now I am asking you to consider the possibility that every moment of every experience we have now – or we have ever had and will ever have – has been carefully chosen and created for us, exactly the way it is and exactly the way our Infinite I wants it to be, whether we (as the Player) like the experience or not.
In short…
The Infinite I conceives (creates)
The human brain receives (and translates)
The Player perceives (and reacts or responds)
The conclusion for Part 3 is:
You – the “Finite I,” the self-consciousness on the holographic side of the Field – have no power to create anything, and do NOT create your own reality or experiences.
It is your Infinite I that has chosen each and every experience for you and downloaded those experiences to you exactly the way it wants, down to the smallest detail.
How quantum physics
and recent scientific experiments are radically changing our understanding
of life, our reality, and our spirituality
The Human Game is a series of outer experiences that the Player has in order to produce inner experiences that the Infinite I can share vicariously.
Like most games, the Human Game is divided into two parts….
The First Part is designed for the Player to experience as much limitation as possible, like going into a cave to the deepest, darkest place in search of treasure.
The Second Part is designed to bring the Player back out of the cave into the light with the treasure in hand.
The Rules for the First part of the Human Game:
1. The Players must forget who they really are and believe they are something else instead – at the extremes, for example, that they are their body or they are their Infinite I.
2. The Players must believe their holographic experiences are real and what they perceive with their senses is actually happening “out there,” in some objective and independent reality.
3. The Players must believe what they encounter “out there” has power over them and the power to affect their lives.
4. The Players must believe in the judgments of “good and bad,” “right and wrong,” “better and worse,” “good and evil.”
5. The Players must believe there is something “wrong” with the reality they see “out there” that needs to be changed or fixed or improved.
6. The Players must believe they have the power to create a different reality than what they are experiencing and therefore feel defective and deficient (more limited) when they fail.
7. The Players must believe they can think their way out of the Human Game by using their mind, or love their way out of it by using their heart.
David Bohm said, “Now, I say that this system has a fault in it – a ‘systematic fault.’ It is not a fault here, there or here, but it is a fault that is all throughout the system. You may say ‘I see a problem here, so I will bring my thoughts to bear on this problem.’ But my thought is part of the system. It has the same fault as the fault I’m trying to look at, or a similar fault.
“Thought is constantly creating problems that way and then trying to solve them. But as it tries to solve them it makes it worse because it doesn’t notice that it’s creating them, and the more it thinks, the more problems it creates.”
8. The Players must believe they can “make something happen,” and when they fail, blame themselves for not being smarter or better or working harder.
9. The Players must believe there are goals to be reached or agendas to be satisfied or lessons to be learned.
10. The Players must believe they, and they alone, are responsible for meeting their own needs and wants, which they have to fight for.
11. Fear and resistance are the foundations of the First Part of the Game, and judgment and their resulting beliefs are the glue that keeps the illusions working.
12. These illusions must never break down or the Players would see through the Game.
To put it briefly, the First Part of the Human Game was designed to experience limitation — in all shapes and sizes — and all these rules lead to that. So if you have been following the rules (and you literally could not do anything else), you have most likely experienced a great deal of limitation in your life. You just didn’t know why until now, because you weren’t supposed to.
I understand that you probably didn’t like the limitation of the First Part of the Human Game, that it didn’t feel “good,” that it didn’t feel “right,” and that you think you have been doing something “wrong.” But you haven’t, and neither have I. We’ve been playing the Game exactly as we should, exactly as our Infinite I’s wanted us to.
Even the judgment and the resistance haven’t been “wrong,” since they led to more limitation, which is what the Infinite I wanted. In other words, we’ve been doing a fantastic job as the Players we were created to be.
But since the First Part of the Human Game is intentionally the opposite of the natural state of an Infinite I, it takes an enormous amount of power to create it and keep it going.
I really like the analogy of a rollercoaster in an amusement park….
I don’t know what goes on in your mind, but I often hear myself saying, “Why the hell did I agree to do this? Am I crazy? Let me off of this thing! I’m going to die today. This is nuts. I’m getting sick! Who designed this crazy ride? I’m going to kill them when I get off, if I get off!” Yes, I resist that first hill with everything I have. I don’t like it; it doesn’t feel good; it isn’t natural; and I question my sanity.
Likewise, going as much as possible into limitation produces the same reactions. It’s supposed to; that’s the Game. But we are still connected enough to our Infinite I to “know,” deep down inside, that this isn’t the way an Infinite I normally lives. So we resist it and wonder why we’re having these experiences.
But the other reason that I like the rollercoaster analogy is that we can never experience or appreciate the ride to come if we don’t first go up the big hill.
Like the Human Game, a rollercoaster has two “halves” — you go up the hill in the First Part, and down the hill in the Second Part. If looked at objectively, the First Part is no “better” or “worse” than the Second Part. In fact, the Second Part could not exist without the First Part. So there can be no “judgment” that one part is better than the other.
More importantly, someone riding on the Second Part of the rollercoaster is no more “enlightened” or “better” or “more advanced” or “ascended” than someone going up the first hill. They’re just at a different point on the ride, that’s all.
The last reason I like this analogy is that it reverses how we normally think about limitation. Rather than going “down” into limitation, or “down” into the depths, the First Part of the rollercoaster is “up.”
So instead of saying that we reach the “bottom” in our lives, it’s better in my mind to say that we reach the pinnacle, or the peak, or the apex of limitation, when it’s then time to start the Second part of the Game. For me this also helps take away the judgment.
My personal story…
• I had no job.
• I had no car.
• I had no money.
• I had no relationship, no one to love.
• I had two marriages, both of which failed after 15+ years because of my own issues.
• Although I had a few close friends, none of them lived within a thousand miles of me.
• I had a wonderful family, including three fantastic grandchildren; but other than my daughter and her husband, I hardly got to see them.
• I had written two books that no one was buying and apparently no one wanted to read.
• I had no future plans, no idea how anything would change.
There is this moment at the top of the hill — a brief moment of seeming weightlessness, when you’ve stopped climbing that interminable and “awful” hill — when you let go of all the resistance you had going up, but have not yet started the ride down. This is the moment of no judgment, the moment of clarity, the moment of complete objectivity.
This is a very brief moment when you can be appreciative that you made it to the top, and even appreciative of the climb itself. You’re not even looking ahead to the next part of the ride, but simply suspended in space and time.
This moment will happen for every Player, when the time is right, when their Infinite I has experienced all the limitation it wants. This moment can, and probably will, be different for every Player as well; but everyone will have a “halftime,” which apparently includes “instant replays” of the major events of the First Part of the Human Game, and an honest and unemotional assessment of where you stand (or sit!).
Like a rollercoaster, this moment may not last very long; and then, hang on, because it’s time for the Second Part to begin!
The Second Part is the opposite of the First part….
1. The Player knows what it has been calling “reality” is not real at all, but a hologram created by its Infinite I to play the Human Game. This Game is being played by consciousness, in consciousness, and for consciousness; and in fact “there is no ‘out there’ out there,’ no independent objective reality.
2. The Player knows once it has moved into the Second Part, all holograms experienced by the Player will be totally in support of its metamorphosis into a butterfly, rather than toward more limitation and restriction.
3. The Player knows it can never and will never experience anything in any hologram its Infinite I has not created and wanted to experience, and that its Infinite I has written and approved the script being used by anyone else appearing in the Player’s hologram. No one in the Player’s hologram can ever do or say anything its Infinite I has not requested.
4. The Player knows its focus changes from thinking to feeling. In the Second Part there is nothing to analyze, dissect, or understand – never any reason to ask “why?” Thinking and studying are now only the result of an inner curiosity to expand one’s knowledge instead of being required to figure out the world or make a Player “better” or more “enlightened.”
5. The Player switches from “giving its power away” to make a hologram real, to “taking its power back” from it. When holograms appear that cause any kind of discomfort, it is an indication that the Player assigned some power to that hologram to make it real while playing in the First Part, and this is the opportunity to recognize the hologram was in fact not real at all and reclaim that power from it.
6. The Player leaves behind any and all judgment of anyone or anything in any hologram at any time, such as “good” and “bad,” or “right” and “wrong.” As Rudyard Kipling said in his poem, If: “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two imposters just the same….”
7. The Player knows there is never anything that needs to be fixed or changed or improved in the holograms it experiences.
8. The Player changes from being “proactive” to being “reactive.” There is nothing the Player ever again needs to “make happen.” Being “reactive” means that when a holographic illusion that appears “out there” seems to require a decision, a response, or an action, the Player takes it (as long as it does not include discomfort). Or, when the Player feels an internal motivation or impulse to act, it does. In other words, the Player follows its inner excitement as long as it is fun and brings total joy.
9. The Player lives from moment to moment, one day at a time. There are no goals, no planning, no targets, no objectives, and no agendas. There is no past and no future – just “now.”
10. The Player develops a deep love and sincere appreciation for its Infinite I, for itself as the Player, and for all the First Part holographic creations, even though at the time of the experience they may have seemed less than joyful. The Player marvels in awe at the beautiful, perfect, and miraculous job the Player did in the First Part to convince itself it was real, and that the holographic world it saw around it was real.
11. The Player has the “knowing” and the complete trust its Infinite I will take care of all its needs (including money), and there is no reason to worry about anything. The Infinite I would not create a hologram it wanted the Player to experience if it did not also give it everything it needs for that experience.
12. The Player wakes up each day looking forward with curious anticipation to the experiences its Infinite I will create for it that day; and the Player buckles up, relaxes, and enjoys the ride.
Who am I?
I am a Player, representing my Infinite I in the Human Game.
Why am I here?
I’m here to have outer experiences to which I react and respond with feeling so that my Infinite I can share in the inner experience.
If all this is true, the most logical question is:
Why would any Infinite I create experiences of pain and suffering for their Player?
The answer is:
They don’t!
Conversations with God
Pushing things to the limit – contest
All we really need to know is that the Human Game is an “outer experience” created for a Player by its Infinite I so that the Infinite I can have the “inner experience” through the connection to its Player.
So what if….
What if the opposite of what we have always believed is also true?
What if life is not a school, or a training ground, or a test, or a “bitch,” but a fun ride in an amusement park instead?
What if the purpose of life on Earth is not to learn something (thinking), but to experience something (feeling)?
What if we as Players are supposed to feel “separate” from our Infinite I’s – at least in the First Part of the Game – rather than bemoaning the fact or trying to “reconnect?”
What if our connection to our Infinite I has never been “broken,” but we were supposed to think it was in order to play the Game?
What if every experience we have ever had and will ever have is exactly the way our Infinite I wants it, down to the smallest detail, and there’s nothing to be changed, fixed, or improved in our holograms?
What if all the things we have resisted are actually what our Infinite I’s have wanted us to experience, and that it’s only our judgment and resistance that has caused our pain and suffering?
What if we have never done anything “wrong,” but only think we have, and believe everyone else when they tell us we’re defective and deficient, “sinners” who need to be “saved?”
What if humankind itself has never made any “mistake” either, but instead has explored the heights of limitation exactly as the Infinite I’s wanted?
What if the Earth doesn’t need to be “saved” either — that it has its own Infinite I who is creating the precise experiences it wants as well, down to the smallest detail?
What if it is only our ego that says we have the power to create or change anything, and that all power actually resides with the Infinite I on the other side of the Field?
What if we don’t need any “self-help” — no magic formulas, no “secrets,” no “spiritual laws,” no gurus, and no special techniques to try to make things different than they are?
What if, no matter what we do in the First part of the Human Game — like meditate, pray, eat only organic food, and so on — it will not change anything until we have experienced all the limitation our Infinite I wants and it is ready for us to play the Second part?
What if all we need to do is relax, enjoy the experiences our Infinite I creates for us (whatever they may be), and stop judging those experiences to be “good” or “bad,” “better” or “worse,” “right” or “wrong”?
What if, not understanding this, we have made up many “stories” to try to explain what we experience — religions, philosophies, and beliefs — many of which contain some truth, but which are always altered somehow so that they actually lead into more limitation?
What if it’s now halftime in the Human Game for many people — time to get ready to play the Second part of the Human game, to go over the top of the first hill on the rollercoaster and enjoy the ride back to InfiniteLand?
So here is how Life apparently works in a Holographic Universe….
1. Your Infinite I creates you as a Player to represent it in the Human Game, and tags the specific wave frequencies that are “you” as a template in the Field.
2. Your Infinite I (not you!) decides on the next experience it wants you (the Player) to have and writes the “script” for that experience by choosing the specific wave frequencies in the Field that will create this holographic 3D total immersion movie. Every experience it creates is a gift from your Infinite I to you, no matter how you might view or judge that experience.
3. Your Infinite I downloads the wave frequencies in this script to your brain (normally using the “Earth Environment” template as the set), along with everything you as the Player will need to have this experience, including the money and the support from other Players as appropriate.
4. If there are other Players involved in your experience, their Infinite I’s download to their brains their own individual scripts and their parts to play in your movie that have been written or approved by your own Infinite I.
5. Each Player has its own unique and individual experience as everyone acts out this movie, reading their scripts. Each Player has total free will to react and respond to their own unique experience in any way they want, and no reaction or response by any Player is “wrong” or “better” than any other reaction or response.
6. Whatever feelings the Player has in reaction or response to any experience is transmitted back to its Infinite I, which is why the Player was created in the first place – the whole point of the Human Game.
7. No Player can experience anything that their Infinite I did not create and want for them, and no other Player can say or do anything in your movie that your Infinite I did not agree to and approve. All other Players are giving you gifts by volunteering to play a part in your movie, regardless of their behavior and whether you like their gifts or not. (There can be no victims or perpetrators.)
8. Nothing and no one “out there” has any power over you as a Player unless you give them that power by your beliefs. (There is no “out there” out there.)
9. Each holographic experience chosen and downloaded by your Infinite I is in the present moment. Any “memories” of the past and any references to the future are simply storylines in that present-moment holographic 3D total immersion movie. (The Power of Now, Tolle; The Point of Power is in the Present, Seth)
Why wouldn’t anyone want to say “Yes” to any experience their Infinite I creates for them? Why would anyone want anything else than the experience they are having right at the moment, knowing their Infinite I designed it especially for them, down to the smallest detail? Why would anyone resist anything in their hologram?
Actually, I can think of a couple reasons why, and pretty good ones at that.
The first is that they simply don’t trust their Infinite I, and you can’t blame them. After all, they just spent their entire lives inside the movie theater having one experience after another they weren’t too thrilled about, or at least wished would be “better” and thought there was something about them that needed to be changed, fixed, or improved.
Said more simply, a lot of first-half experiences resulted in drama and conflict and pain and suffering – which we now know were caused by our own judgments and resistance. But we have a history and a habit of saying “No” to those experiences and assume those kinds of experiences would continue, even multiply, if we started saying “Yes.”
Another reason is that we’re control freaks – all of us, to a certain degree. We spent a lot of time inside the movie theater trying to control everything – our lives, our money, the people around us, the dangerous world we live in, and so on. Of course, it was just an illusion that we had any control at all over our experiences other than our reactions and responses to them.
Saying “Yes” requires giving up that illusion of control, requires releasing the steering wheel, letting go of the tiller, going totally with the flow with no resistance.
But at the same time, starting to say “Yes” and making a new habit out of it is the easiest and fastest way to gain trust in your Infinite I, once you see where it leads you. It may also be one of the most powerful and effective ways of transforming into a butterfly. So give it a try for twenty-four hours and see for yourself….
Saying “Yes” is the antidote to resistance.
For one day – just twenty-four hours – the participants in my workshops were only allowed to say “Yes” to whatever appeared in their hologram. They had to take the word “No” out of their vocabulary and just say “Yes” to everything that came their way. After all, if our Infinite I is creating each and every experience we have, down to the smallest detail, why not simply say “Yes” to whatever it creates and see what happens?!
You can’t imagine the resistance I encountered….
• “What if someone asks me to do something I don’t want to do?”
• “You say ‘Yes’ and do it.”
• “But what if someone else tries to take advantage of me, knowing I can only say ‘Yes,’?”
• “That’s another fear you’ll have to face.”
• “But what if it’s illegal or immoral?”
…and the objections went on and on, all based on fear and judgment; and of course, that was the whole point, exposing these fears and judgments for them to see – that, and giving the participants the experience of saying “Yes” and realizing they could trust their Infinite I and the experiences it would create for them.
In the Yes Man, Jim Carrey realizes he would never have met the love of his life if he had not said “Yes,” even though it was under the false impression he had to because of some covenant.
No one can be a victim of anything that is said or done in any hologram they experience, because their own Infinite I has either written the script itself or had 100% script approval prior to the hologram being downloaded to its Player. No victims, no perpetrators, period.
What you resist,
But all this brings up a number of questions, like…
The Human Game
Judgment, Beliefs and Opinions
Resistance, Fear and the Ego
The Process/Spiritual Autolysis
How Money Works in a Holographic Universe
One big hologram?
How can we see the same things?
Are we all one?
One Player per Infinite I?
Other people in my hologram
No one can be a victim or perpetrator
Many Worlds, Parallel Universes, Past Lives, Karma
You’re not the one driving the bus
Source:A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution
His email
Stephen Davis is ready to go any part of the planet when you pay the flight and the costs of being there, like hotel food.
Really if you can do it just do it . You will appreciate his job. It is really radical and extraordinary the way that you change
And your life is totally new after a workshop with Stephen. I am very happy with the changes that produces to my daily life and i am very grateful to this man and to the work he is doing for free
Thank you for your work. Really you are a Teacher of my Heart.
Thank you for your wisdom.
En Español-Power Point 1
El Universo Holográfico
Cómo la física cuántica
y experimentos científicos recientes están cambiando radicalmente nuestra comprensión de la vida, nuestra realidad y nuestra espiritualidad
Mi nombre es
Stephen Davis
• ¿Quién soy yo?
• ¿Cuáles son mis títulos académicos?
• Niels Bohr, Ph.D., físico atómico
• David Bohm, Ph.D., físico cuántico
• Karl Pribram, Ph.D., neurofisiólogo
• Benjamin Libet, Ph.D., neurocientífico
• Amit Goswami, Ph.D., físico nuclear teórico
• Dr. Amit Goswami
• Profesor Emérito de Física Teórica en la Universidad de Oregón
• Senior Scholar in Residence en el Instituto de Ciencias Noéticas
• Autor de 8 libros sobre física cuántica, incluyendo “El Universo Auto-Consciente” y “Ciencia y Espiritualidad:. Una Integración Cuántica”
“Este es el único pensamiento radical que necesita hacer. Pero es tan radical, es tan difícil, porque nuestra tendencia es que el mundo ya está ‘allá afuera’, independiente de mi experiencia. No lo es. La física cuántica ha sido muy clara al respecto … “
• David Albert, Ph.D., Director de Fundamentos Filosóficos de la Física, Universidad de Columbia
• John Hagelin, Ph.D., Profesor de Física de la Universidad Maharishi
• Stuart Hameroff, MD, Director Asociado del Centro para la Conciencia de la Universidad de Arizona
• Miceal Ledwith, Ph.D., Profesor de Teología Sistemática, Universidad de Maynooth, Irlanda
• Andrew Newberg, Ph.D., Director del Centro de Espiritualidad y Neurociencias de la Universidad de Pennsylvania
• Dean Radin, Ph.D., Profesor de la Escuela de Graduados Saybrook
• Jeffrey Satinover, MD, Docente de Física, Universidad de Yale
• Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., autor de “Dar el salto cuántico” y “Universos Paralelos”
• William Tiller, Ph.D., Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Stanford
• Nick Herbert, Ph.D., Profesora Asistente de Física, Universidad de Monmouth
• Richard Feynman, quien ocupó el puesto de profesor Richard Chace Tolman en la física teórica en el Instituto de Tecnología de California.
• “¡Y tú qué sabes!”
Se puede ver que el “espacio exterior” y el “espacio interior” se parecen mucho-, un montón de “Espacio vacío”
Este vídeo se realizó en 1977. Con la mejora de la tecnología, los científicos profundizaron cada vez más, y encontrando cada vez “partículas” más pequeñas , y más y más “espacio vacío”.
“Dentro de todos los átomos y las moléculas – todo el espacio dentro de ellos – las partículas ocupan una cantidad insignificante del volumen de un átomo.”
Pero son las partículas que supuestamente constituyen la “materia”, así que la ciencia se centra en ellas en sus experimentos.
• Física Cuántica
A medida que la investigación continuó, los científicos descubrieron que las partículas muy pequeñas que se encontraban no se comportaban como se suponía que debían. Básicamente, la física newtoniana, sólo funcionaba bien en objetos grandes – los objetos que podemos ver con nuestros ojos – pero no en un nivel sub-atómico.
• El Experimento de la Doble Ranura
Este fue el comienzo de la Física Cuántica y el experimento más famoso que hizo a todo el mundo abrir sus mentes a nuevas posibilidades sobre el universo y cómo funciona se llama el Experimento de la Doble Ranura.
Estos son unos dibujos animados hechos para niños que explica lo que sucedió en el experimento.
• Conclusión
Los electrones, que son los componentes básicos de lo que llamamos “realidad”, no son partículas sólidas en absoluto, sino que existen como ondas de posibilidades. Cuando están en forma de onda, se les llama “quanta”, por lo que el estudio de cómo se comportan se llama “física cuántica”.
• El Colapso de la Función de Onda
Cuando las quanta [electrones] son vistos por un observador, estas ondas de posibilidades “aparece” y asumen una posición específica en el espacio y el tiempo, que es lo que vemos como “la realidad”. Esto se llama “el colapso de la función de onda”.
• El Experimento de la Doble Ranura
Esto significa que un electrón – el elemento central de lo que llamamos nuestra “realidad física” sólida – es sólo una partícula sólida, sólo materia cuando alguien la está mirando. De lo contrario, es una onda, y no es sólida en absoluto.
Richard Feynman, un famoso físico cuántico, una vez dijo que si realmente entiendes el experimento de la doble ranura, puedes entender todas la física cuántica, y cómo funciona universo entero también.
“No hay pruebas convincentes de que la única vez que quanta [electrones] se manifiestan en forma de partículas es cuando lo estamos observando. Cuando un electrón no está siendo observado, siempre es una onda. “
Michael Talbot
El Universo Holográfico, página 34
Para decirlo de otra manera, el estado natural de un electrón es una onda. Sólo se sale de su estado de onda para formar una partícula en una ubicación específica en el espacio y el momento en que está siendo observado.
Pero resulta que no son sólo los electrones los que entran y salen de la existencia.
Escuchemos de nuevo a Dr. Jeffrey Satinover ….
“Incluso el núcleo [de un átomo], lo que pensamos como algo tan denso, aparece y desaparece de la existencia tan rápidamente como los electrones.”
Por lo tanto, no sólo los electrones que existen en forma de ondas y luego aparecen en una ubicación específica en el espacio y el tiempo cuando son observado, sino también el núcleo, y las investigaciones más recientes, incluso han encontrado que los átomos y las moléculas hacen lo mismo.
El físico Nick Herbert dice que esto significa que el mundo detrás de la espalda, donde no estamos buscando y no se observa – es siempre “una sopa cuántica radicalmente ambigua y que fluye sin cesar”. Pero cada vez que nos damos la vuelta y tratamos de ver la sopa, nuestra mirada al instante la congela y se convierte de nuevo en la “realidad”.
Herbert cree que esto nos hace a todos un poco como Midas, el rey legendario que nunca conoció la sensación de la seda o la caricia de una mano humana, porque todo lo que tocaba se convertía en oro. Del mismo modo, nunca se puede conocer la verdadera naturaleza del universo cuántico, porque cada vez que tratamos de observar, se convierte en materia.
Así que … si la materia no es sólida, y la realidad no es “real”, ¿Qué es el universo físico que experimentamos y pensamos que es tan “sólido” – que se ve y se siente tan real para nosotros?
Dos modelos han sido desarrollados para responder a esa pregunta …
• El “Campo”
• El “Universo Holográfico”
• El Campo
Cuando hablamos de que un electrón existente como una “onda”, no es como una ola del mar, o una onda de radio. Es más parecido a una onda de posibles lugares donde el electrón podría terminar como una partícula cuando se observa – una onda de posibilidades.
Esta “onda de posibilidades” en el que el mundo cuántico existe ha sido llamada con muchos nombres en los últimos años, tales como …
• la “función de onda cuántica”
• el “orden implicado”
• la “Escala de Planck”
• el “campo de punto cero”
• el “campo de las supercuerdas”
• el “campo unificado”
Principalmente se llama simplemente “el Campo”. Se trata de un campo de infinitas posibilidades del que todo es creado.
Lynne McTaggart, autora de “El Campo”, lo define como “un campo de todas las posibilidad.” (Pág.. xxi)
En otras palabras, todo lo que puedas imaginar, y todo lo que no se pueda imaginar, y todo lo que no se puede pensar, ya existe en forma de onda en el campo.
Así que …. El “Campo” es un “lugar” fuera del espacio y el tiempo en el que todo (todas las posibilidades) ya existen, pero sólo en forma de “onda” . Este campo no contiene partículas, no es materia, no es parte del universo físico. En cambio, es de lo que todo el universo está hecho – a partir de estas ondas de posibilidades.
“No podemos explicar lo que vemos como materia … a menos que nos imaginamos que estas partículas de materia de alguna manera salen o emergen de estos patrones de ondas de pensamiento.”
El problema es que nadie puede probar que el Campo existe. No se puede ver, no se puede fotografiar, no se puede medir, no se puede sostener en la mano. Pero cuando los físicos cuánticos asumen que el campo está ahí, que pueden hacer predicciones matemáticas muy precisas sobre el universo físico y cómo se comporta, que no se puede hacer sin tomar en cuenta el Campo.
Piense en ello como la electricidad. Usted no puede ver la electricidad en sí, sólo se puede ver lo que produce la electricidad. Un comediante estadounidense bromeó diciendo que no tendrían que pagar su factura de electricidad hasta que la compañía le mostre la electricidad que paga.
Sin embargo, podemos ver la luz que se genera a partir de la electricidad, y la potencia, y los otros efectos con los que contamos todos los días, y cuando vemos esos efectos, sabemos que la electricidad debe existir.
Lo mismo es cierto para el Campo. A pesar de que no podemos probar que existe, nada tiene sentido sin ella a la luz de los resultados de los experimentos científicos más recientes.
Ejemplo de la Radio
Pero, ¿Cómo este “campo” llega a existir? ¿Quién lo hizo? ¿De dónde viene? ¿Por qué está ahí?
La ciencia no tiene respuesta para estas preguntas. Ellos sólo saben que el Campo debe existir.
Así que no voy a hablar ahora acerca de cómo el Campo se ha creado, o qué podrían haber creado, o la forma en que ya contiene todas las posibilidades, porque quiero que sólo nos ajustemos a la ciencia ahora mismo en esta presentación. Tendremos que dejar la discusión filosófica para más tarde en el taller.
La siguiente pregunta que podemos hacernos es:
¿Cómo es la “realidad” creada a partir del Campo?
La mayoría de los físicos cuánticos están de acuerdo en que es un proceso muy similar a la creación de un holograma. En otras palabras, el Universo que vemos es un Universo Holográfico.
Por lo tanto, para comprender el “Universo Holográfico,” tenemos que entender qué es un holograma es y cómo se crea.
La definición más simple es que un holograma es “una imagen virtual, una imagen que parece ser y que no es …” (Michael Talbot, El Universo Holográfico, página 25)
En otras palabras, un holograma es una imagen que no es real.
La definición técnica es que un holograma es “una imagen tridimensional que se reproduce a partir de un patrón de interferencia producido por división coherente de una radiación de haz (como un láser).” (Diccionario Merriam-Webster)
Así que vamos a ver cómo se crea un holograma ….
“Es relativamente fácil de entender esta idea del holismo en algo que es externo a nosotros, como una manzana en un holograma. Lo que hace que esto sea difícil es que no estamos mirando el holograma, somos parte del holograma “.
– Michael Talbot
El Universo Holográfico, (pp. 46, 55)
Se podría pensar que sería fácil de distinguir la diferencia entre un holograma y la “realidad” …
“Crear la ilusión de que las cosas se encuentran donde NO están es la característica por excelencia de un holograma …. Si nos fijamos en un holograma, parece existir en un espacio, pero si usted pasa su mano a través de el, encontrará que ahí no hay nada ….
“… A pesar de lo que tus sentidos te digan, no hay ningún soporte que recoja toda la energía o sustancia en que el holograma parece estar flotando. Esto se debe a un holograma es una imagen virtual, una imagen que parece ser y que no es … “
Michael Talbot
El Universo Holográfico, página 25
Universidad de Londres, el físico David Bohm, por ejemplo, cree … “que a pesar de su aparente solidez, el universo está en el fondo un fantasma -. Un holograma gigantesco y espléndidamente detallado”
– Michael Talbot,
en un ensayo titulado
“El universo holográfico”
• El Universo Holográfico
¿Por qué la mayoría de los físicos cuánticos están de acuerdo en que vivimos en un universo holográfico?
La física cuántica es en realidad una ciencia de las matemáticas, y es la ciencia matemática más exacta que se haya descubierto para explicar lo que vemos en nuestra “realidad”.
… Y las matemáticas utilizadas para crear un holograma es el mismo que se utiliza las matemáticas en la Física Cuántica para “describir la naturaleza” y explicar el comportamiento que vemos en nuestra “realidad”.
Esta es la razón por la física cuántica dice que el universo parece ser más como un holograma que una realidad sólida.
Más y más científicos e investigadores, además de los físicos cuánticos se están poniendno de acuerdo ….
Por ejemplo ….
“Una teoría asombrosa llamada el principio holográfico afirma que el universo es como un holograma …. La física de los agujeros negro – las concentraciones de masa densa y-ofrece un indicio de que el principio puede ser cierto “.
– Dr. Jacob D. Bekenstein
Profesor de Física Teórica,
Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén
Scientific American (agosto de 2003)
Así que echemos un vistazo a un par de ejemplos de hologramas que podrían ayudar a aclarar mucho este punto ….
El primero es el de la película, The 13th Floor …
“Es relativamente fácil de entender esta idea del holismo en algo que es externo a nosotros, como una manzana en un holograma. Lo que hace que esto sea difícil es que no estamos mirando el holograma, somos parte del holograma “.
– Michael Talbot
El universo holográfico, (pp. 46, 55)
“Hay evidencias que sugieren que nuestro mundo y todo lo que hay en el – desde de los copos de nieve hasta los árboles de Arce, las estrellas fugaces y los electrones girando – son sólo imágenes fantasmales, las proyecciones de un nivel de realidad que existe más allá de la nuestra, literalmente, más allá del espacio y el tiempo . “
– Michael Talbot
El Universo Holográfico, página 1
• Conclusión de la Parte 1
La física cuántica es muy clara:
Lo que llamamos “realidad” es en realidad una imagen holográfica que sólo es percibida como real para nosotros dentro de ella.
“Este es el único pensamiento radical que necesita tener. Pero es tan radical, es tan difícil, porque nuestra tendencia es que el mundo es
Si todo esto es verdad, y la física cuántica dice que lo es, la siguiente pregunta lógica es:
Exactamente ¿cómo es este universo holográfico creado para que lo experimentemos como la “realidad” física?
-Power Point 4-
Cómo la física cuántica y experimentos científicos recientes están cambiando radicalmente nuestra comprensión de la vida, de nuestra realidad y de nuestra espiritualidad
El juego humano es una serie de experiencias externas que el jugador tiene con el fin, de producir experiencias internas que el Yo Infinito puede compartir indirectamente.
Como la mayoría de los juegos, el juego humano se divide en dos partes ….
La primera parte está diseñada para que los jugadores experimenten tantas limitaciones como sea posible, como entrar en una cueva al lugar más profundo y oscuro en busca del tesoro.
La segunda parte está diseñada para traer de vuelta al jugador fuera de la cueva a la luz con el tesoro en la mano.
Las reglas para la primera parte del juego humano:
1. Los jugadores deben olvidar lo que realmente son y creer que son otra cosa incluso por ejemplo, que son su cuerpo o que son su Yo Infinito
2. Los jugadores deben creer que sus experiencias holográficas son reales y que lo que perciben con los sentidos que realmente está pasando “allá afuera”, en una realidad objetiva e independiente.
3. Los jugadores deben creer que lo que se encuentra “allá afuera” tiene poder sobre ellos y tiene el poder de afectar sus vidas.
4. Los jugadores deben creer en los juicios de “buenos y malos”, “bien y el mal”, “mejores y peores”, “santidad y el maldad.”
5. Los jugadores deben creer que hay algo “equivocado” con la realidad que ven “ahí afuera” que necesita ser cambiado o arreglado o mejorado.
6. Los jugadores deben creer que tienen el poder de crear una realidad diferente a la que están experimentando y por lo tanto se sienten defectuosos y deficientes (más limitados) cuando fracasan.
7. Los jugadores deben creer que pueden pensar cómo salir del juego humano mediante el uso de su mente, o mediante el uso del amor, abriendo el corazón.
David Bohm dijo: “Ahora, yo digo que este sistema tiene un fallo en el mismo “Sistema defectuoso”. No es un fallo de aquí, de más allá o de más acá, sino un fallo que está en todo, en todo el sistema. Usted puede decir “Veo un problema aquí, así que voy a llevar mis pensamientos a este problema.” Pero mi pensamiento es parte del sistema. Tiene el mismo defecto que el fallo que yo estoy tratando de ver, o un fallo similar.
“El pensamiento está en constante creación de problemas de esa manera y luego trata de resolverlos. Pero a medida que trata de resolverlos los empeora porque no se da cuenta de que los está creando, y cuanto más se piensa, más problemas se crean. “
8. Los jugadores deben creer que pueden “hacer que algo suceda”, y cuando fallan, se echan la culpa por no ser más inteligente o mejor, o trabajar más duro.
9. Los jugadores deben creer que hay metas para ser alcanzadas o agendas que tienen que ser satisfechas o lecciones que se tienen que aprender.
10. Los jugadores deben creer que ellos y sólo ellos, son responsables de satisfacer sus propias necesidades y deseos, y que deben luchar por ellos.
11. El miedo y la resistencia son los cimientos de la primera parte del juego, y el juicio y sus creencias resultantes son el pegamento de unión que mantiene las ilusiones en proceso
12. Estas ilusiones no se deben romper o en caso contrario los jugadores podrían ver a través del juego.
En pocas palabras, la primera parte del juego humano fue diseñado para experimentar limitación – de todas formas y tamaños – y todas estas reglas llevan a ello. Así que si usted ha estado siguiendo las reglas (y que, literalmente, no podría hacer otra cosa), es muy probable que experimentó una gran limitación en su vida. Usted no lo sabía hasta ahora, porque se suponía que no tenía que saberlo
Yo entiendo que es probable que no le gustaba la limitación de la primera parte del juego humano, que no se sentía “bien” que no se sentía “correcto” y que cree que ha estado haciendo algo ” mal “. Pero usted no lo ha hecho mal ni yo tampoco. Hemos estado jugando el juego exactamente como nuestro Yo infinito ha querido que lo jugásemos.
Incluso el juicio y la resistencia no ha sido “equivocado”, ya que estos nos llevaron a más limitación, que es lo que el Yo Infinito quería. En otras palabras, que hemos estado haciendo un trabajo fantástico como los jugadores que fuimos creados para ser.
Sin embargo, intencionalmente la primera parte del juego humano es lo contrario del estado natural del Yo Infinito, por tanto se necesita una enorme cantidad de poder para crearla y mantenerla en marcha.
Realmente me gusta la analogía de una montaña rusa en un parque de atracciones ….
No sé lo que pasa en tu mente, pero a veces me oye decir: “¿Por qué diablos estoy de acuerdo en hacer esto? ¿Estoy loco? Déjame fuera de esto! Me voy a morir hoy. Esto es una locura. Estoy harto! ¿Quién diseñó este viaje loco? Yo los voy a matar cuando salgo, si me bajo! “Sí, me resisto a la primera colina con todo lo que tengo. No me gusta, no se siente bien, no es natural, y me cuestiono mi cordura.
Del mismo modo, ir lo más posible a la limitación produce las mismas reacciones. Se supone que es, ese es el juego. Pero todavía estamos conectados a nuestro Yo Infinito para “saber”, en el fondo, que esta no es la forma en que el Yo Infinito quiere que yo viva normalmente. Así que nos resistimos y nos preguntamos por qué estamos teniendo estas experiencias.
Pero la otra razón por la que me gusta la analogía de la montaña rusa es que nunca podemos experimentar y apreciar el paseo que nos espera si antes no subimos primeramente la colina grande.
Al igual que el Juego Humano, una montaña rusa tiene dos “mitades” Tienes que subir la colina en la primera parte, y vas abajo de la colina en la segunda parte. Si se mira objetivamente, la primera parte no es “mejor” ni “peor” que la segunda parte. De hecho, la segunda parte no podría existir sin la primera parte. Por lo tanto, no puede haber “juicio” que una parte es mejor que la otra parte.
Más importante aún, alguien que viaja en la segunda parte de la montaña rusa no es más “iluminado” o “mejor” o “más avanzado” o “ascendido” que alguien que está subiendo la primer colina. Sólo están en un punto diferente del recorrido, eso es todo.
La última razón por la que me gusta de esta analogía es que invierte la forma en que normalmente se piensa acerca de limitación. En vez de ir “abajo” en la limitación, o “abajo” en las profundidades, la primera parte de la montaña rusa es hacia “arriba”.
Así que en lugar de decir que llegamos al “fondo” en nuestras vidas, es mejor que en mi mente diga que llegamos a la cumbre, o al pico, o la cúspide de la limitación y entonces es el tiempo para iniciar la segunda parte del juego . Para mí, esto también ayuda a quitar el juicio.
Mi historia personal …
• No tenía trabajo.
• Yo no tenía coche.
• Yo no tenía dinero.
• Yo no tenía ninguna relación, nadie a quien amar.
• Tuve dos matrimonios, los dos fracasaron después de 15 años a causa de mis propios asuntos.
• A pesar de que tenía unos cuantos amigos, ninguno de ellos vivían a más de un millar de kilómetros de mí.
• Yo tenía una familia maravillosa, entre ellos tres nietos fantásticos, pero solamente a penas veía a mi hija y a su marido.
• Yo había escrito dos libros que nadie compraba y al parecer nadie quería leer.
• Yo no tenía planes para el futuro, ni idea de cómo iba a cambiar nada.
Hay en este momento en la parte superior de la colina – un breve momento de ingravidez aparente, cuando usted ha dejado de subir esa interminable y “horrible” colina – cuando se deja de lado toda la resistencia que tenía de subir, pero todavía no han comenzado el viaje hacia abajo. Este es el momento sin ningún juicio, el momento de la claridad, el momento de la completa objetividad.
Este es un momento muy breve cuando se puede estar agradecido de que hayas llegado a la cima, e incluso estar agradecido por la propia subida en si misma. Ni siquiera estás de cara a la próxima parte del viaje, sino solamente suspendido en el espacio y el tiempo.
Este momento le va a pasar a cada jugador, cuando sea el momento adecuado y cuando su Yo Infinito haya experimentado todas las limitaciones que desea. Además este momento puede y probablemente, va a ser diferente para cada jugador.
Todo el mundo tendrá un “Intermedio”, que al parecer incluye “repeticiones instantáneas” de los principales acontecimientos de la primera parte del juego humano y así se puede saber con una evaluación honesta y sin emociones donde estás: de pie (¡ o sentado!)
Como una montaña rusa, a lo mejor este momento no dura mucho tiempo, y entonces:¡espera, porque es el momento de empezar la segunda parte !
La segunda parte es lo contrario de la primera parte ….
1. El jugador sabe que lo que ha estado llamando como “realidad” no es real en absoluto, sino un holograma creado por su Yo Infinito para jugar el Juego Humano. Este juego está siendo jugado por la conciencia, en la conciencia y para la conciencia, y de hecho “no existe” ahí afuera “ahí fuera”, no hay una realidad objetiva independiente.
2. El jugador sabe que una vez que ha entrado en la segunda parte, todos los hologramas que experimenta serán totalmente para apoyar su metamorfosis para convertirse en una mariposa, en lugar de hacia más limitación y restricción.
3. El jugador sabe que no puede y nunca va a experimentar ninguna cosa en ningún holograma que su Yo Infinita no le haya creado y no haya deseado tener la experiencia. Y que su Yo Infinito ha escrito y aprobado el guión utilizado por cualquier otra persona que aparezca en el holograma del jugador. Nadie en el holograma del jugador puede nunca hacer o decir algo de su Yo Infinito no haya solicitado.
4. El jugador conoce su foco cambia de pensamiento al sentimiento.
En la segunda parte no hay nada que analizar, diseccionar, o entender. Nunca hay ninguna razón para preguntar “¿por qué”.
Pensar y estudiar ahora son sólo el resultado de una curiosidad interna para expandir los conocimientos de uno mismo, en vez de ser requerido para entender el mundo de ahí fuera o para ser un “mejor” jugador o un jugador más “iluminado”
5. Cada jugador tiene su propia experiencia individual y única como todo el mundo, representa en esta película, leyendo sus guiones. Cada jugador tiene la voluntad libre total para reaccionar y responder a su propia y única experiencia de cualquier forma que él elija, y no hay reacción o respuesta de cualquier jugador que sea “mala” o “mejor” que cualquier otra reacción o respuesta.
6. Cualquiera que sean los sentimientos que el jugador tenga como reacción o respuesta a cualquier experiencia se transmite de nuevo a su Yo Infinito. Este es el motivo por el que fue creado el Jugador en primer término (el punto central del juego humano)
7. Ningún jugador puede experimentar cualquier cosa que su Yo Infinito no haya creado y haya quiere para ellos, y ningún otro jugador puede decir o hacer algo en la película que el Yo Infinito no estuviera de acuerdo y no aprobara. Todos los demás jugadores te están dando regalos como voluntarios para desempeñar un papel en la película, independientemente de su comportamiento y de si te gustan o no los dones que recibes. (No puede haber víctimas o perpetradores)
8. Nada ni nadie “allá afuera” tiene ningún poder sobre usted como Jugador a menos que usted les des ese poder por us creencias. (No hay “allá fuera” allá fuera.)
(Falta traducción.)
Fuente: Profundamente agradecida a Stephen Davis
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